This is a port of The Video Game Name Generator (VGNG). This package allows you to generate random video game names in your text editor. This is great for test data and data entry. A few examples:
Stoic Death Carnage
Retro UFO Soldier
Wild Graveyard Revolution
Masters of the Karaoke - Gold Edition
Advanced Fighter Ransom
Commands are accessible under the packages menu for VGNG and the context menu, as well as some key bindings and commands.
Generate and allow similar terms (e.g. Nighttime Night Nightmare)
Generate and don't allow similar terms (e.g. Nighttime Night Nightmare)
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generate
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generateSimilar
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generateSimilar
>Generate w/o similar terms
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generate
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generateSimilar
>Generate w/o similar terms
: atom-video-game-name-generator:generate
License / Authorization of use from the original authors (Edward Younskevicius) website:
If you'd like to use the VGNG on your website, feel free! If you want to make your own version (or make a better one for me ;) ), the wordlist is called video_game_names.txt, and the syntax should be simple enough to figure out (three wordlists separated by dashes, with dupe protection listed after the "^" and separated by pipes "|".) I only ask that, if you copy the VGNG for your site, please don't use it for any profit-generating purpose (charging for it or selling ads), and include a link back to this site.