Simple romaji to hiragana converter written in C.
Run make romaji
to build the program. make
variables are:
: the C compiler (gcc)CFLAGS
: additional flags to pass to the compiler ()No further dependencies are needed besides libc
I made this with the intent of integrating it to libkkc. With this setup, I can write an ordinary, space-separated romaji japanese sentence and get kana+kanji output, which is really useful for studying the language.
If you want to have a system like mine, compile this program and write the following shell script:
[[ -z $2 ]] && LVL=2 || LVL=$2
romaji "$1" | sed "s/$/ $LVL/g" | kkc |
awk -F: '/^([0-9]+:|>> 0:) <[^mcQ]/ {
split($2, splitter, "/")
for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
sub(/^([ n]*<|.*<)/, "", splitter[i])
line=(line splitter[i])
print line
I wrap this shell code in a function that gets sourced by my ~/.zshrc
so I can
call this by passing the function name, instead of the script name but whichever
implementation works. The awk script will be in the repository root as scripts/kkc.awk
it can be used in the output of piped kkc.
Usage alongside scripts/kkc.awk
should look as such:
$ romaji "kore ha nani" | sed 's/$/ 4/' | kkc | kkc.awk
This repository also includes a sed script for common transliteration of misleading
particles like wa
(は) as in (kimi wa - 君は) & e
as in (nihon e - 日本へ).
The script is scripts/norm.sed
. Also, this project can integrate with [kakasi] to have
full conversion as shown by the graph:
This repository is licensed under the GPL-v3.0 License.