The Gaia DR1 TGAS completeness and a new stellar inventory of the solar neighborhood
This code repository contains all of the code to reproduce the results from the paper of Bovy (2017, in prep.) on determining the Gaia DR1 TGAS selection function and using it to determine TGAS' completeness for different stellar types and for measuring the local number density and vertical stellar density profile of different types of main-sequence and giant stars.
Jo Bovy - bovy at astro dot utoronto dot ca
(render this notebook on nbviewer, where you can toggle the code)
This notebook contains all of the code to determine the raw TGAS selection function as a function of (J,J-Ks,RA,Dec), as discussed in Appendix A and B.
(render this notebook on nbviewer, where you can toggle the code)
This notebook contains the various calculations of the effective completeness and the effective volume completeness described in Section 3 of the paper.
(render this notebook on nbviewer, where you can toggle the code)
This notebook holds all of the code that determines the stellar density profiles of different stellar subtypes along the main sequence and along the giant branch. All of the analysis in Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the paper is contained in this notebook.
This badly named python module contains the definitions of the main sequence and giant branch as used in the paper.