Yet Another Yogurt - An AUR Helper Written in Go
Advanced dependency solving
PKGBUILD downloading from ABS or AUR
Completions for AUR packages
Query user up-front for all input (prior to starting builds)
Narrow search (yay linux header
will first search linux
and then narrow on header
Find matching package providers during search and allow selection
Remove make dependencies at the end of the build process
Build local PKGBUILDs with AUR dependencies
Un/Vote for packages
If you are migrating from another AUR helper, you can simply install Yay with that helper.
We are using sudo
in these examples, you can switch that out for a different privilege escalation tool.
The initial installation of Yay can be done by cloning the PKGBUILD and building with makepkg:
We make sure we have the base-devel
package group installed.
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel git clone yay makepkg -si
If you want to do all of this at once, we can chain the commands like so:
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
If you do not want to compile yay yourself you can use the builds generated by GitHub Actions.
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel git clone yay-bin makepkg -si
If you want to do all of this at once, we can chain the commands like so:
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si
If you're using Manjaro or another distribution that packages yay
you can simply install yay using pacman (as root):
pacman -S --needed git base-devel yay
distributions sometimes lag updating yay on their repositories.
Use yay -Y --gendb
to generate a development package database for *-git
packages that were installed without yay.
This command should only be run once.
yay -Syu --devel
will then check for development package updates
Use yay -Y --devel --save
to make development package updates permanently
enabled (yay
and yay -Syu
will then always check dev packages)
Command | Description |
yay | Alias to yay -Syu . |
yay <Search Term> | Present package-installation selection menu. |
yay -Bi <dir> | Install dependencies and build a local PKGBUILD. |
yay -G <AUR Package> | Download PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR. (yay v12.0+) |
yay -Gp <AUR Package> | Print to stdout PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR. |
yay -Ps | Print system statistics. |
yay -Syu --devel | Perform system upgrade, but also check for development package updates. |
yay -Syu --timeupdate | Perform system upgrade and use PKGBUILD modification time (not version number) to determine update. |
yay -Wu <AUR Package> | Unvote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables) (yay v11.3+) |
yay -Wv <AUR Package> | Vote for package (Requires setting AUR_USERNAME and AUR_PASSWORD environment variables). (yay v11.3+) |
yay -Y --combinedupgrade --save | Make combined upgrade the default mode. |
yay -Y --gendb | Generate development package database used for devel update. |
yay -Yc | Clean unneeded dependencies. |
Yay does not display colored output. How do I fix it?
Make sure you have the Color
option in your /etc/pacman.conf
(see issue #123).
Sometimes diffs are printed to the terminal, and other times they are paged via less. How do I fix this?
Yay uses git diff
to display diffs, which by default tells less not to
page if the output can fit into one terminal length. This behavior can be
overridden by exporting your own flags (export LESS=SRX
Yay is not asking me to edit PKGBUILDS, and I don't like the diff menu! What can I do?
yay --editmenu --diffmenu=false --save
How can I tell Yay to act only on AUR packages, or only on repo packages?
yay -{OPERATION} --aur
yay -{OPERATION} --repo
A Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages
message is displayed. Why doesn't Yay update them?
This message does not mean that updated AUR packages are available. It means
the packages have been flagged out of date on the AUR, but
their maintainers have not yet updated the PKGBUILD
(see outdated AUR packages).
Yay doesn't install dependencies added to a PKGBUILD during installation.
Yay resolves all dependencies ahead of time. You are free to edit the PKGBUILD in any way, but any problems you cause are your own and should not be reported unless they can be reproduced with the original PKGBUILD.
I know my -git
package has updates but yay doesn't offer to update it
Yay uses an hash cache for development packages. Normally it is updated at the end of the package install with the message Found git repo
If you transition between aur helpers and did not install the devel package using yay at some point, it is possible it never got added to the cache. yay -Y --gendb
will fix the current version of every devel package and start checking from there.
I want to help out!
Check for more information.
All support related to Yay should be requested via GitHub issues. Since Yay is not officially supported by Arch Linux, support should not be sought out on the forums, AUR comments or other official channels.
A broken AUR package should be reported as a comment on the package's AUR page. A package may only be considered broken if it fails to build with makepkg.
Reports should be made using makepkg and include the full output as well as any other relevant information. Never make reports using Yay or any other external tools.