Can you guess who would win the conversation if we put ChatGPT
and Bard
to a conversational challenge?
Clone the project
git clone
Create a python env
cd GPT_BARD_STREET_FIGHT/ python -m venv bardgpt_envsource ./bardgpt_env/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add .env file to the project stucture
touch .env
Add your OPEN_API_KEY and BARD cookie to .env file
Run streamlit app
streamlit run
Go to streamlit page on your browser Give the bots a prompt about a conversation topic
Watch them talk
You can change the conversation time limit in while loop condition: default is 30 seconds
You can find the Git repository for Bard API opensource project here
Check on Bard API repo how to get the Bard API "Key", it's actually __Secure-1PSID
Do not expose it, it's your browser ad cookies, use it at your own risk
If you clone this repo and push to your github or fork this repo, do NOT push you API KEYS Use and .env file and .gitignore
.gitignore content
Give it a read here if you ae curious about the conversation betweent the two most controvertial LLMs about free will and determinism.