periodic table
This package is a wrapper for a dataset of periodic elements. These elements were taken from a modified Penn State CS class CSV file, transformed into JSON, and then wrapped in some pretty JavaScript accessors.
npm install periodic-table
var pt = require('periodic-table');
// entire dataset
var allElements = pt.all();
// single elements by name
var he = pt.elements.Helium;
// single elements by symbol
var he = pt.symbols.He;
// single elements by atomic number
var he = pt.numbers[2];
var util = require('periodic-table/util');
// atomic mass of molecule
// atomicMass("[Element][Number] [Element][Number] ...")
// parenthesis around elements not supported..yet
var waterMass = util.atomicMass("H2 O");
var organicMass = util.atomicMass("C12 H22 O11");
{ atomicNumber: 1,
symbol: 'H',
name: 'Hydrogen',
atomicMass: '1.00794(4)',
cpkHexColor: 'FFFFFF',
electronicConfiguration: '1s1',
electronegativity: 2.2,
atomicRadius: 37,
ionRadius: '',
vanDelWaalsRadius: 120,
ionizationEnergy: 1312,
electronAffinity: -73,
oxidationStates: '-1, 1',
standardState: 'gas',
bondingType: 'diatomic',
meltingPoint: 14,
boilingPoint: 20,
density: 0.0899,
groupBlock: 'nonmetal',
yearDiscovered: 1766
Is any table information wrong? Does some field need to be added or better formatted? Is there a more reliable source of information to work with? Open an issue or be even cooler and open a pull-request.
# running tests
npm run test
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