gats scripts
All my script related to
I quit gats on 6/22/2021. This repo contains all the scripts I wrote in my gats time. Some work, some don't, some are outdated. Enjoy.
If you have noticed I used a sript that isn't on here, open an issue to let me know so I can add it.
Name | Description |
bots.js | Earliest version of my bots. Stopped working once captcha was added because they moved to dynamic server urls. |
hack.js | Earliest version of my hack. Contains a chatlogger but doesn't work anymore since the dynamic server urls. |
killfeed.js | A design prototype of a killfeed system. Abandonned because noone was willing to use the client script (because they didn't trust me) which is required for it to function. |
archiver.js | The script used to take map archives present in my repo. When you run it, you need to walk across the entire map to load all 750 walls after which you can JSON.stringify. |
multiboxing.user.js | A tampermonkey script which allows you to multibox gats tabs. Recently, the connections per ip limit made it useless. To use, open 2 tabs on the same server. With 1 tab, goto the other tab's position in game and stack yourself on your other player. On each tab, press q to toggle syncing. You can see if a tab is syncing at the top right cornor. If gats gets an update that reduces max connections per ip to 1, it will be because of this. |
better-layers.user.js | A tampermonkey script that changes the render order of some objects in game. Was useful for me. |
bots-captcha.js | Bots that can connect even with captcha. + general improvements from v1. |
bots-node.js | NodeJS version of my v1 bots. You could bypass server detection by specifying a user-agent header. This is what I used for my 703 killstreak on my KSRandomness account, my very first mass bot usage. Doesn't work anymore as its bots v1 (broken by dynamic server urls). This does need a client script to control the bots on the server but I cannot find it ATM. |
leaderboard-fetcher.js | Uses my v2 bots to create a global leaderboard (take leaderborad of all servers and combine them). This can be used to view all online players, find people with streaks/high scores, find a specific player and what server they are in, and much more. |