Scrape and download useful information from TikTok.
This is not an official API support and etc. This is just a scraper that is using TikTok Web API to scrape media and related meta information.
To Do
Use with Promises
Use with Events
How to get/set session value
How to access/download video
Output Example
Video Feed Methods
Terminal Examples
Manage Download History
Scrape and Download in Batch
Output File Example
In Terminal
As of right now it is NOT possible to download video without the watermark
Download unlimited post metadata from the User, Hashtag, Trends, or Music-Id pages
Save post metadata to the JSON/CSV files
Download media with and without the watermark and save to the ZIP file
Download single video without the watermark from the CLI
Sign URL to make custom request to the TikTok API
Extract metadata from the User, Hashtag and Single Video pages
Save previous progress and download only new videos that weren't downloaded before. This feature only works from the CLI and only if download flag is on.
View and manage previously downloaded posts history in the CLI
Scrape and download user, hashtag, music feeds and single videos specified in the file in batch mode
CLI: save progress to avoid downloading same videos
Rewrite everything in TypeScript
Improve proxy support
Add tests
Download video without the watermark
Indicate in the output file(csv/json) if the video was downloaded or not
Build and run from Docker
CLI: Scrape and download in batch
CLI: Load proxies from a file
CLI: Optional ZIP
Renew API
Set WebHook URL (CLI)
Add new method to collect music metadata
Add Manual Pagination
Improve documentation
Download audio files
Web interface
Don't forget about tests
yarn test
yarn build
tiktok-scraper requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install from NPM
npm i -g tiktok-scraper
Install from YARN
yarn global add tiktok-scraper
$ tiktok-scraper --help Usage: tiktok-scraper <command> [options] Commands: tiktok-scraper user [id] Scrape videos from username. Enter only username tiktok-scraper hashtag [id] Scrape videos from hashtag. Enter hashtag without # tiktok-scraper trend Scrape posts from current trends tiktok-scraper music [id] Scrape posts from a music id number tiktok-scraper video [id] Download single video without the watermark tiktok-scraper history View previous download history tiktok-scraper from-file [file] [async] Scrape users, hashtags, music, videos mentionedin a file. 1 value per 1 line Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --session Set session cookie value. Sometimes session can be helpful when scraping data from any method [default: ""] --session-file Set path to the file with list of active sessions. One session per line! [default: ""] --timeout Set timeout between requests. Timeout is in Milliseconds: 1000 mls = 1 s [default: 0] --number, -n Number of posts to scrape. If you will set 0 then all posts will be scraped [default: 0] --since Scrape no posts published before this date (timestamp). If set to 0 the filter is deactived [default: 0] --proxy, -p Set single proxy [default: ""] --proxy-file Use proxies from a file. Scraper will use random proxies from the file per each request. 1 line 1 proxy. [default: ""] --download, -d Download video posts to the folder with the name input [id] [boolean] [default: false] --asyncDownload, -a Number of concurrent downloads [default: 5] --hd Download video in HD. Video size will be x5-x10 times larger and this will affect scraper execution speed. This option only works in combination with -w flag [boolean] [default: false] --zip, -z ZIP all downloaded video posts [boolean] [default: false] --filepath File path to save all output files. [default: "/Users/karl.wint/Documents/projects/javascript/tiktok-scraper"] --filetype, -t Type of the output file where post information will be saved. 'all' - save information about all posts to the` 'json' and 'csv' [choices: "csv", "json", "all", ""] [default: ""] --filename, -f Set custom filename for the output files [default: ""] --noWaterMark, -w Download video without the watermark. NOTE: With the recent update you only need to use this option if you are scraping Hashtag Feed. User/Trend/Music feeds will have this url by default [boolean] [default: false] --store, -s Scraper will save the progress in the OS TMP or Custom folder and in the future usage will only download new videos avoiding duplicates [boolean] [default: false] --historypath Set custom path where history file/files will be stored [default: "/var/folders/d5/fyh1_f2926q7c65g7skc0qh80000gn/T"] --remove, -r Delete the history record by entering "TYPE:INPUT" or "all" to clean all the history. For example: user:bob [default: ""] --webHookUrl Set webhook url to receive scraper result as HTTP requests. For example to your own API [default: ""] --method Receive data to your webhook url as POST or GET request [choices: "GET", "POST"] [default: "POST"] --help Show help [boolean]Examples: tiktok-scraper user USERNAME -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper trend -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper hashtag HASHTAG_NAME -d -n 100 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper music MUSIC_ID -d -n 50 --session sid_tt=dae32131231 tiktok-scraper video -d tiktok-scraper history tiktok-scraper history -r user:bob tiktok-scraper history -r all tiktok-scraper from-file BATCH_FILE ASYNC_TASKS -d
Terminal Examples
Manage Download History
Scrape and Download in Batch
By using docker you won't be able to use --filepath and --historypath , but you can set volume(host path where all files will be saved) by using -v
docker build . -t tiktok-scraper
Example 1:All files including history file will be saved in the directory($pwd) where you running the docker from
docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/app/files tiktok-scraper user tiktok -d -n 5 -s
Example 2:All files including history file will be saved in /User/blah/downloads
docker run -v /User/blah/downloads:/usr/app/files tiktok-scraper user tiktok -d -n 5 -s
.user(id, options) //Scrape posts from a specific user (Promise).hashtag(id, options) //Scrape posts from hashtag section (Promise).trend('', options) // Scrape posts from a trends section (Promise).music(id, options) // Scrape posts by music id (Promise).userEvent(id, options) //Scrape posts from a specific user (Event).hashtagEvent(id, options) //Scrape posts from hashtag section (Event).trendEvent('', options) // Scrape posts from a trends section (Event).musicEvent(id, options) // Scrape posts by music id (Event).getUserProfileInfo('USERNAME', options) // Get user profile information.getHashtagInfo('HASHTAG', options) // Get hashtag information.signUrl('URL', options) // Get signature for the request.getVideoMeta('WEB_VIDEO_URL', options) // Get video meta info, including video url without the watermark.getMusicInfo('', options) // Get music metadata
const options = {// Number of posts to scrape: {int default: 20}number: 50,// Scrape posts published since this date: { int default: 0}since: 0,// Set session: {string[] default: ['']}// Authenticated session cookie value is required to scrape user/trending/music/hashtag feed// You can put here any number of sessions, each request will select random session from the listsessionList: ['sid_tt=21312213'],// Set proxy {string[] | string default: ''}// http proxy: socks proxy: socks5:// You can pass proxies as an array and scraper will randomly select a proxy from the array to execute the requestsproxy: '',// Set to {true} to search by user id: {boolean default: false}by_user_id: false,// How many post should be downloaded asynchronously. Only if {download:true}: {int default: 5}asyncDownload: 5,// How many post should be scraped asynchronously: {int default: 3}// Current option will be applied only with current types: music and hashtag// With other types it is always 1 because every request response to the TikTok API is providing the "maxCursor" value// that is required to send the next requestasyncScraping: 3,// File path where all files will be saved: {string default: 'CURRENT_DIR'}filepath: `CURRENT_DIR`,// Custom file name for the output files: {string default: ''}fileName: `CURRENT_DIR`,// Output with information can be saved to a CSV or JSON files: {string default: 'na'}// 'csv' to save in csv// 'json' to save in json// 'all' to save in json and csv// 'na' to skip this stepfiletype: `na`,// Set custom headers: user-agent, cookie and etc// NOTE: When you parse video feed or single video metadata then in return you will receive {headers} object// that was used to extract the information and in order to access and download video through received {videoUrl} value you need to use same headersheaders: {'user-agent': "BLAH",referer: '',cookie: `tt_webid_v2=68dssds`,},// Download video without the watermark: {boolean default: false}// Set to true to download without the watermark// This option will affect the execution speednoWaterMark: false,// Create link to HD video: {boolean default: false}// This option will only work if {noWaterMark} is set to {true}hdVideo: false,// verifyFp is used to verify the request and avoid captcha// When you are using proxy then there are high chances that the request will be// blocked with captcha// You can set your own verifyFp value or default(hardcoded) will be usedverifyFp: '',// Switch main host to Tiktok test enpoint.// When your requests are blocked by captcha you can try to use Tiktok test endpoints.useTestEndpoints: false};
Don't forget to check the examples folder
const TikTokScraper = require('tiktok-scraper');// User feed by username(async () => {try {const posts = await TikTokScraper.user('USERNAME', {number: 100,sessionList: ['sid_tt=58ba9e34431774703d3c34e60d584475;']});console.log(posts);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// User feed by user id// Some TikTok user id's are larger then MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, you need to pass user id as a string(async () => {try {const posts = await TikTokScraper.user(`USER_ID`, {number: 100,by_user_id: true,sessionList: ['sid_tt=58ba9e34431774703d3c34e60d584475;']});console.log(posts);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// Trending feed(async () => {try {const posts = await TikTokScraper.trend('', {number: 100,sessionList: ['sid_tt=58ba9e34431774703d3c34e60d584475;']});console.log(posts);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// Hashtag feed(async () => {try {const posts = await TikTokScraper.hashtag('HASHTAG', {number: 100,sessionList: ['sid_tt=58ba9e34431774703d3c34e60d584475;']});console.log(posts);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// Get single user profile information: Number of followers and etc// input - USERNAME// options - not required(async () => {try {const user = await TikTokScraper.getUserProfileInfo('USERNAME', options);console.log(user);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// Get single hashtag information: Number of views and etc// input - HASHTAG NAME// options - not required(async () => {try {const hashtag = await TikTokScraper.getHashtagInfo('HASHTAG', options);console.log(hashtag);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();// Get single video metadata// input - WEB_VIDEO_URL// For example: options - not required(async () => {try {const videoMeta = await TikTokScraper.getVideoMeta('', options);console.log(videoMeta);} catch (error) {console.log(error);}})();
const TikTokScraper = require('tiktok-scraper');const users = TikTokScraper.userEvent("tiktok", { number: 30 });users.on('data', json => {//data in JSON format});users.on('done', () => {//completed});users.on('error', error => {//error message});users.scrape();const hashtag = TikTokScraper.hashtagEvent("summer", { number: 250, proxy: 'socks5://' });hashtag.on('data', json => {//data in JSON format});hashtag.on('done', () => {//completed});hashtag.on('error', error => {//error message});hashtag.scrape();
Very common problem is when tiktok is blacklisting your IP/PROXY and in such case you can try to set session and there will be higher chances for success
Get the session:
Open in any browser
Login in to your account
Right click -> inspector -> networking
Refresh page -> select any request that was made to the tiktok -> go to the Request Header sections -> Cookies
Find in cookies sid_tt value. It usually looks like that: sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312;
sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312; - this will be your authenticated session cookie value that should be used to scrape user/hashtag/music/trending feed
Set the session:
Example content /var/bob/sessionList.txt:
Set single session by using option --session. For example --session sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312;
Set path to the file with the list of sessions by using option --session-file. For example --session-file /var/bob/sessionList.txt
sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312; sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312; sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312; sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312;
In the MODULE you can set session by setting the option value sessionList . For example sessionList:["sid_tt=521kkadkasdaskdj4j213j12j312;", "sid_tt=12312312312312;"]
This part is related to the MODULE usage (NOT THE CLI)
The {videoUrl} value is binded to the cookie value {tt_webid_v2} that can contain any value
When you extract videos from the user, hashtag, music, trending feed or single video then in response besides the video metadata you will receive headers object that will contain params that were used to extract the data. Here is the important part, in order to access/download video through {videoUrl} value you need to use same {headers} values.
headers: {"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36","referer": "","cookie": "tt_webid_v2=689854141086886123"},
You can pass your own headers with the {options}.
const headers = {"user-agent": "BOB","referer": "","cookie": "tt_webid_v2=BOB"}getVideoMeta('WEB_VIDEO_URL', {headers})user('WEB_VIDEO_URL', {headers})hashtag('WEB_VIDEO_URL', {headers})trend('WEB_VIDEO_URL', {headers})music('WEB_VIDEO_URL', {headers})// And after you can access video through {videoUrl} value by using same custom headers
Example output for the methods: user, hashtag, trend, music, userEvent, hashtagEvent, musicEvent, trendEvent
{headers: {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36',referer: '',cookie: 'tt_webid_v2=689854141086886123'},collector:[{id: 'VIDEO_ID',text: 'CAPTION',createTime: '1583870600',authorMeta:{id: 'USER ID',name: 'USERNAME',following: 195,fans: 43500,heart: '1093998',video: 3,digg: 95,verified: false,private: false,signature: 'USER BIO',avatar:'AVATAR_URL'},musicMeta:{musicId: '6808098113188120838',musicName: 'blah blah',musicAuthor: 'blah',musicOriginal: true,playUrl: 'SOUND/MUSIC_URL',},covers:{default: 'COVER_URL',origin: 'COVER_URL',dynamic: 'COVER_URL'},imageUrl:'IMAGE_URL',videoUrl:'VIDEO_URL',videoUrlNoWaterMark:'VIDEO_URL_WITHOUT_THE_WATERMARK',videoMeta: { width: 480, height: 864, ratio: 14, duration: 14 },diggCount: 2104,shareCount: 1,playCount: 9007,commentCount: 50,mentions: ['@bob', '@sam', '@bob_again', '@and_sam_again'],hashtags:[{id: '69573911',name: 'PlayWithLife',title: 'HASHTAG_TITLE',cover: [Array]}...],downloaded: true}...],//If {filetype} and {download} options are enbabled then:zip: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/',json: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/user_1552963581094.json',csv: '/{CURRENT_PATH}/user_1552963581094.csv'}
{secUid: 'MS4wLjABAAAAv7iSuuXDJGDvJkmH_vz1qkDZYo1apxgzaxdBSeIuPiM',userId: '107955',isSecret: false,uniqueId: 'tiktok',nickName: 'TikTok',signature: 'Make Your Day',covers: ['COVER_URL'],coversMedium: ['COVER_URL'],following: 490,fans: 38040567,heart: '211522962',video: 93,verified: true,digg: 29,}
{challengeId: '4231',challengeName: 'love',text: '',covers: [],coversMedium: [],posts: 66904972,views: '194557706433',isCommerce: false,splitTitle: ''}
{headers: {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.80 Safari/537.36',referer: '',cookie: 'tt_webid_v2=689854141086886123'},collector:[{id: '6807491984882765062',text: 'We’re kicking off the #happyathome live stream series today at 5pm PT!',createTime: '1584992742',authorMeta: { id: '6812221792183403526', name: 'blah' },musicMeta:{musicId: '6822233276137213677',musicName: 'blah',musicAuthor: 'blah'},imageUrl: 'IMAGE_URL',videoUrl: 'VIDEO_URL',videoUrlNoWaterMark: 'VIDEO_URL_WITHOUT_THE_WATERMARK',videoMeta: { width: 480, height: 864, ratio: 14, duration: 14 },covers:{default: 'COVER_URL',origin: 'COVER_URL'},diggCount: 49292,shareCount: 339,playCount: 614678,commentCount: 4023,downloaded: false,hashtags: [],}]}
{music: {id: '6882925279036066566',title: 'doja x calabria',playUrl: 'dfdfdfdf',coverThumb:'dfdfdf',coverMedium:'dfdfdf',coverLarge:'fdfdf',authorName: 'bryce',original: true,playToken:'ffdfdf',keyToken: 'dfdfdfd',audioURLWithcookie: false,private: false,duration: 46,album: '',},author: {id: '6835300004094166021',uniqueId: 'mashupsbybryce',nickname: 'bryce',avatarThumb:'dfdfd',avatarMedium:'dfdfdf',avatarLarger:'dfdfdf',signature: 'hi ily :)n70k sounds cool tbhn?follow my soundcloud & insta?',verified: false,secUid: 'MS4wLjABAAAA1_5bjLAamayD4rv3q49qJGa_7dZ5jzExTO0ozOybqIwwhw5TAg_iM25lkO94DM3K',secret: false,ftc: false,relation: 0,openFavorite: false,commentSetting: 0,duetSetting: 0,stitchSetting: 0,privateAccount: false,},stats: { videoCount: 361700 },shareMeta: {title: 'bryceyouloser | ♬ doja x calabria | on TikTok',desc: '361.0k videos - Watch awesome short ' + 'videos created with ♬ doja x calabria',},};
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