Repeatedly sends TikTok Views to a video of choice.
This tool was developed to demonstrate how straightforward it is to automate a service like They have their own TikTok Viewbot you can use, but can only send 1000 views each minute — it was recently changed from 30 to 60 seconds. My script automates that process, helping you go AFK (away from keyboard). Simply paste a TikTok video URL, come back in an hour and the TikTok video should have 60.000 more views! You will receive 1.440.000 views a day.
I developed this bot because people are currently selling bots automating, when really it is extremely easy to develop — it took me approximately 10 minutes.
I tried running two instances of the program, and surprisingly, it worked; sent twice as many views. Usage of this tool will definitely cause the targeted video to be on the TikTok "For You" page — increases chances to become TikTok famous. Please refrain from using this TikTok Automated Viewbot as viewbotting is against TikTok's Terms of Service. Nevertheless, if you use this, you are doing it at your own risk. You have been warned.
Python 3.6 or above is required.
I develop for Windows machines only and do not intentionally support other operating systems.
If you do not already have the Selenium library installed, run — make sure PIP is added to PATH.
Check your Google Chrome version. If you have V.84, you can keep the included chromedriver.exe. If you have any other Google Chrome version, download chromedriver.exe with the matching version here to's file directory.
Solve the captcha.
Paste a TikTok video URL — e.g.
All set!
Navigate to the three dots at the top right corner of Google Chrome.
Select "Help", and click "About Google Chrome".
Viewbotting is generally prohibited, and should under no circumstances be done. is not recommended to use as TikTok is strictly against viewbotting. TikTok Automated Viewbot automates that "illegal" process, so please refrain from using it — developed for educational purposes only.