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The M5Stack library provides access to the built-in hardware of the M5Stack Core (including Basic and Gray) controllers.
This library is not recommended for new projects, nor for projects using M5Stack products other than Basic and Gray. See M5Unified and M5GFX for libraries that are more up-to-date and with support for many newer M5Stack products.
This library's functionality is available through the M5Stack class, referenced as M5
, including:
, a customized version of the TFT_eSPI LCD library, adapted for Basic and Gray. The display resolution is 320x240 supporting 262K colors. Several fonts, graphics primitives, QR code rendering, and PNG/BMP/JPEG support are included.M5.Power
and the IP5306 power management chipM5.BtnA
, M5.BtnB
, M5.BtnC
, supporting tones, volume control, and basic wave audio playback using ESP32's DAC functionM5.Imu
, M5.Mpu6886
, or M5.Sh200Q
(accelerometer type depends on version of Basic/Gray)To use the M5Stack library, #include "M5Stack.h"
must appear at the top of your sketch.
The most productive way to become acquainted with the class is through the numerous included examples. Additional documentation within this library:
Additional optional include files:
for access to M5Stack Faces accessories (EOL)LoRaWan.h
Hardware documentation for Gray v1.0 (EOL)
Hardware documentation for Basic v1.0 (EOL) Basic v2.6 (EOL) Basic v2.7. The version number may be printed on the main circuit board next to the SD card slot.
Buy Basic
Comparison of M5Stack controllers
UIFlow Quick Start: Click Here
MicroPython API: Click Here
Arduino IDE Development: Click Here
Gray PinMap: Click Here
Basic PinMap: v1.0 (EOL) v2.6 (EOL) v2.7**
M5Stack-SD-Updater - Customizable menu system for M5Stack - loads apps from the Micro SD card
M5StackSAM - Simple Applications Menu Arduino Library for M5Stack
cfGUI - A simple GUI library for M5Stack (ESP32)
GUIslice - A lightweight GUI framework suitable for embedded displays
M5ez - The easy way to program on the M5Stack
M5Stack MultiApp Advanced - A M5Stack firmware made on PlatformIO
M5Stack ESP32 Oscilloscope - A fully functional oscilloscope based on ESP32 M5Stack
M5Stack-Avatar - An M5Stack library for rendering avatar faces
M5Stack_CrackScreen - Crack your M5Stack
M5_Shuttle_Run - M5_Shuttle_Run
nixietubeM5 - (Fake) Nixie Tube Display on a M5Stack
M5Stack_BTCTicker - A small Bitcoin price ticker using an M5Stack (ESP32) and the Coindesk API
M5Stack_ETHPrice - Dependence on example Wifi Setting to get ETH Price from Maicoin
M5Stack-PacketMonitor - M5Stack ESP32 Packet Monitor
M5-FFT - Graphic Equalizer on the M5Stack platform
M5Stack_ESP32_radio - Playing mp3 stream out of internet using M5Stack prototype
mp3-player-m5stack - MP3 player for M5Stack
ArduinoWiFiPhotoBackup - M5STACK Arduino WiFi Photo Backup device
M5StackHIDCtrlAltDel - You can send ctrl+alt+del to your PC via Bluetooth from M5Stack
M5Stack Markdown Web Server - Markdown & icons loaded from an Micro SD card/TF card to run a web page
M5Stack-Tetris - Tetris for M5Stack Ported to M5Stack by macsbug - https://macsbug.wordpress.com/
M5Stack_FlappyBird_game - M5Stack FlappyBird Playable
M5Stack-SpaceShooter - Space Invaders knock-off for M5Stack
M5Stack-Pacman-JoyPSP - Pacman on M5Stack/PSP Joypad, with sounds
M5Stack-Thermal-Camera - M5Stack Thermal Camera with AMG8833 thermal sensor
truetype2gfx - Converting fonts from TrueType to Adafruit GFX
m5stack-onscreen-keyboard - Full size qwerty keyboard for M5Stack