Contains various utility scripts that I use to make running Challonge tournaments easier (specifically for Super Smash Bros. Melee).
All examples are assumed to be run from a downloaded version of this repository.
# After creating a local tourney at,
# I want to seed participants based on their Google MTV gaR PR rankings, and shuffle
# the bracket a bit while preserving each participant's projected placement.
python3 mtvmelee77 --shuffle --region=googlemtv
# Then later on in the local, after loser's round 2 has finished, I want
# to create an amateur bracket automatically, so I don't have to spend time
# manually entering in each participant.
python3 mtvmelee77
# Once that amateur bracket is created, it's available at
# The amateur bracket will use the
# same seedings as the original bracket by default, but I want to vary up the
# matches, so I run shuffled gaR PR seeds on the bracket again.
python3 mtvmelee77_amateur --shuffle --region=googlemtv
These scripts use Python 3, and are incompatible with Python 2. If you run into any issues setting this up, feel free to open up a new issue here.
git clone
cd challonge-tools
python3 -m venv challonge_tools_env
source challonge_tools_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit your local copy of challonge.ini with your Challonge username and API key.
Run the script you want to try!
python3 <script_to_run>.py
: Seeds a tourney based on
gaR PR rankings.
Any unrecognized names will be seeded in last-place (in order of their original appearance in the seeding list). Case is ignored in names.
$ python3 32w50dxc
Tournament updated; see seeds at
You can change the region using the --region
$ python3 32w50dxc --region=googlemtv
Tournament updated; see seeds at
: The region being used to get gaR PR rankings. Default:
: Set this to True
if you just want to print out the
new seeds without committing them to the tournament. This is useful for
testing before you reseed your tournament. Default: False
: Set this to True
if you want to shuffle the seeds
afterwards while still preserving each participant's projected placement.
This helps to introduce a bit of variance into the bracket. Default: False
: The config file to read your Challonge
credentials from. This is useful to reduce the risk of accidentally
committing your credentials to source control. Default: challonge.ini
: Gets seeds without using the Challonge API.
Useful for testing out the rankings without an actual tournament.
$ python3 "Eden, Bryan, Non-gaR PR Person, Admiral"
[3, 2, 4, 1]
: Shuffles seeds in a Challonge tournament.
These functions help you shuffle a bracket while still preserving the projected placement of each participant at the end of the tournament. This helps randomize tournaments while still keeping things balanced, compared to Challonge's "shuffle seeds", which just randomizes everything.
$ python3 zcmvlkxm
Seeds shuffled:
Automatically updates the seeding of all participants based on a generated shuffle order.
: The config file to read your Challonge
credentials from. This is useful to reduce the risk of accidentally
committing your credentials to source control. Default: challonge.ini
: Shuffles seeds without using the Challonge API.
This is useful when you don't have access to an internet connection, or when you just want to test out the randomization.
$ python3 9
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7, 9]
Returns the newly shuffled seeding order for a tournament with a given number of participants. Each number indicates where the corresponding seed should be listed.
$ python3 "Neal, Bryan, Paragon, gaR, Admiral Lightning Bolt, Eden"
['Neal', 'Bryan', 'Paragon', 'gaR', 'Eden', 'Admiral Lightning Bolt']
Returns the newly shuffled order of participants from a list of participant names. Participants should be ordered from 1st seed to last seed. Leading and trailing spaces in the participant names are stripped.
: Creates an amateur tournament automatically from
an existing Challonge tournament.
An amateur tournament takes people who place below a certain threshold and hosts a separate tournament for them after the main tournament. This helps people get more practice and have more fun, especially in a game with a soul-crushing learning curve like Melee.
$ python3 mtvmelee72
Examines and offers to create an amateur bracket using the people eliminated in Loser's Rounds 1 and 2.
The tool will get your approval before it creates anything, and it won't do anything if an amateur bracket already exists. It won't modify your existing tournament's data.
Example sessions with this tool:
: Whether the amateur bracket should use
double-elimination or single-elimination. Default: True
: Whether the amateur bracket should completely
randomize the seeds or use the seeding from the main bracket to figure
them out. Default: False
: The loser's round after which people who
are eliminated no longer qualify for the amateur bracket. A value of
2 means that Loser's Rounds 1 and 2 are included, but not Loser's Round 3.
Default: 2
: Whether the users' Challonge accounts
should be associated with their entries in the amateur brackets. This is
useful to help them track all the tournaments they've entered, but it also
makes the amateur bracket send an email to them, so use responsibly when
generating amateur brackets. The tool will let you know if their account
will be emailed. Default: False
: The config file to read your Challonge
API key and username from. Default: "challonge.ini"
$ python3 mtvmelee72
: Developer tool for getting Challonge credentials
from a config file.
The Challonge API key is something you want to keep secret. I set up this tool so you can easily parse your Challonge info from a config file that can be ignored from your git repo instead of hardcoding it into your code.
See challonge.ini for an example config file with instructions.
$ python3 my_challonge.ini
{ user: 'blah', api_key: 'not telling' }
Before running the tests, you will need to initialize Bats:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Afterwards, just run
to run all the unit tests: