Shroud is a tool for creating a Fortran or Python interface to a C or C++ library. It can also create a C API for a C++ library.
The user creates a YAML file with the C/C++ declarations to be wrapped along with some annotations to provide semantic information and code generation options. Shroud produces a wrapper for the library. The generated code is highly-readable and intended to be similar to code that would be hand-written to create the bindings.
The user creates a YAML file which includes declarations from zoo.hpp
library: zoo
cxx_header: zoo.hpp
- decl: class Animal
- decl: Animal()
- decl: void speak(const std::string &word)
This creates a Fortran interface which can be used as:
use zoo_mod
type(Animal) dog
dog = Animal()
And from Python
import zoo
dog = zoo.Animal()
To get started using Shroud, check out the full documentation:
Presentation at FortranCon2020 Slides
The generated Fortran requires a Fortran 2003 compiler.
The generated Python requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+.
Python features:
Shroud can be installed using pip
pip install llnl-shroud
This can be done in a virtual environment as
cd my_project_folder
virtualenv my_project
source my_project/bin/activate
pip install llnl-shroud
This assumes the bash shell. Source activate.csh for csh.
In addition, a file created by shiv is available from the github release. Shroud and PyYAML are bundled into a single executable which uses the Python3 on your path. Shiv requires Python 3.6+.
Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
See LICENSE for details
Unlimited Open Source - BSD 3-clause Distribution
Individual files contain SPDX tags instead of the full license text. This enables machine processing of license information based on the SPDX License Identifiers that are available here:
Files that are licensed as BSD 3-Clause contain the following text in the license header:
SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
Shroud bundles some of its external dependencies in its repository. These packages are covered by various permissive licenses. A summary listing follows. See the license included with each package for full details.
PackageName: fruit
PackageLicenseDeclared: BSD-3-Clause