Downloads the specified range of drama episodes from DramaNice ( ) using the Drama URL provided.
requests, bs4 (BeautifulSoup), os, subprocess, re. Some of them are available by default, especially if you have anaconda installed. If not, you can insatll them using pip.
This program uses aria2 cli downloader. The aria2c.exe must also be inside PATH environment variable.
I am not responsible for the content you download using this script. The downloaded videos will by present in "CurrentWorkingDirectory/downloaded" folder. Please report if there are any issues so that this tool can be further improved!
Just copy the link of the Drama you want to download, from the site DramaNice ( ). For example:
After link is copied:
Run using python3. Paste the Drama link in the terminal/command-prompt and press ENTER. Provide the range of episodes you want to download. PAUSE AN ONGOING DOWNLOADE: Press [Ctrl+C] to pause download. To exit, press [Ctrl+C] again.
RESUME DOWNLOADS: Run program again, already downloaded episodes will not be downloaded again. The episodes which are partially downloaded, will automatically resume from where they stopped.
Note:- The drama episodes will be downloaded in a folder inside the current working directory where the exists. You can move it somewhere else later!