Standalone executables of OpenAI's Whisper & Faster-Whisper for those who don't want to bother with Python.
Faster-Whisper executables are x86-64 compatible with Windows 7, Linux v5.4, macOS v10.15 and above.
Faster-Whisper-XXL executables are x86-64 compatible with Windows 7, Linux v5.4 and above.
Whisper executables are x86-64 compatible with Windows 7 and above.
Meant to be used in command-line interface or in programs like Subtitle Edit, Tero Subtitler, FFAStrans, AviUtl.
Faster-Whisper is much faster & better than OpenAI's Whisper, and it requires less RAM/VRAM.
faster-whisper-xxl.exe "D:videofile.mkv" --language English --model medium --output_dir source
faster-whisper-xxl.exe "D:Folder" -l en -m turbo --sentence --batch_recursive
faster-whisper-xxl.exe "D:videofile.mkv" -l ja -m medium --task translate --standard -o source
faster-whisper-xxl.exe --help
Executables & libs can be downloaded from Releases
. [at the right side of this page]
Don't copy programs to the Windows' folders! [run as Administrator if you did]
Programs automatically will choose to work on GPU if CUDA is detected.
For decent transcription use not smaller than medium
Guide how to run the command line programs:
Vanilla Whisper, compiled as is - no changes to the original code.
A reference implementation, stagnant development, atm maybe useful for some tests.
Some defaults are tweaked for movies transcriptions and to make it portable.
Features various new experimental settings and tweaks.
Shows the progress bar in the title bar of command-line interface. [or it can be printed with -pp
By default it looks for models in the same folder, in path like this -> _modelsfaster-whisper-medium
Models are downloaded automatically or can be downloaded manually from: Systran & Purfview
Deprecated. Use Faster-Whisper-XXL
Includes all Standalone Faster-Whisper features + the additional ones, for example:
Preprocess audio with MDX23 Kim_vocal_v2 vocal extraction model.
Alternative VAD methods: 'silero_v3', 'silero_v4', 'pyannote_v3', 'pyannote_onnx_v3', 'auditok', 'webrtc'.
Speaker Diarization.
Read more about new features in the Discussions' thread.