? PIGX Online Experience
? Self-developed BPMN workflow engine
? Big Model RAG Knowledge Base
rely | Version |
Spring Boot | 3.3.5 |
Spring Cloud | 2023.0.3 |
Spring Cloud Alibaba | 2023.0.1.2 |
Spring Authorization Server | 1.3.3 |
Mybatis Plus | 3.5.9 |
Vue | 3.4 |
Element Plus | 2.7 |
pig - ui -- https://gitee.com/log4j/pig-ui
├── pig - boot -- 单体模式启动器[9999]
├── pig - auth -- 授权服务提供[3000]
└── pig - common -- 系统公共模块
├── pig - common - bom -- 全局依赖管理控制
├── pig - common - core -- 公共工具类核心包
├── pig - common - datasource -- 动态数据源包
├── pig - common - log -- 日志服务
├── pig - common - oss -- 文件上传工具类
├── pig - common - mybatis -- mybatis 扩展封装
├── pig - common - seata -- 分布式事务
├── pig - common - security -- 安全工具类
├── pig - common - swagger -- 接口文档
├── pig - common - feign -- feign 扩展封装
└── pig - common - xss -- xss 安全封装
├── pig - register -- Nacos Server[8848]
├── pig - gateway -- Spring Cloud Gateway网关[9999]
└── pig - upms -- 通用用户权限管理模块
└── pig - upms - api -- 通用用户权限管理系统公共api模块
└── pig - upms - biz -- 通用用户权限管理系统业务处理模块[4000]
└── pig - visual
└── pig - monitor -- 服务监控 [5001]
├── pig - codegen -- 图形化代码生成 [5002]
└── pig - quartz -- 定时任务管理台 [5007]
pig provides detailed deployment documents wiki.pig4cloud.com, including development environment installation, server-side code operation, front-end code operation, etc.
Please be sure to follow the document deployment and operation chapters to reduce detours! !
# 下载并运行服务端代码
git clone https://gitee.com/log4j/pig.git -b jdk17
cd pig && mvn clean install && docker compose up -d
# 下载并运行前端UI
git clone https://gitee.com/log4j/pig-ui.git
cd pig-ui && npm install --registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com
npm install && npm run build:docker && cd docker && docker compose up -d
Pig open source software follows the Apache 2.0 protocol. Commercial use is allowed, but be sure to retain the author and Copyright information.
Welcome to submit PR, please pay attention to the corresponding dev
branch code specification spring-javaformat
(the developer's computer needs to support the mvn
command) for code formatting. mvn spring-javaformat:apply
Welcome to submit an issue, please clearly write down the reasons for the problem, the development environment, and the redisplay steps.