introduce: Web pages mentioned with multiple CSS or Java language files often suffer from slower page loads because the browser must request each referenced file individually. Most browsers will only make two simultaneous requests to a single server. Opening multiple requests and waiting for them to get involved latent to complete before making new requests can cause user-visible delays, and that can make your users sad.
Minify attempts to solve this problem by combining multiple CSS or Java language files into one download. By default, it also removes comments and redundant whitespace to reduce the amount of data that must be sent to the browser. Best of all, it does all this on the fly and requires only a few simple changes to your existing web pages.
Features: Combine and on-the-fly minify multiple CSS or Java language files into a single download. A PHP implementation using Douglas Crockford's excellent JSMin library for Java language minification. Avoided caching results in redundant work being done. Responds with an HTTP 304 (Not Modified) response when the browser already has the requested content in its cache. Automatically rewrite relative URLs in combined CSS files to point to the correct location. Written in a very efficient, maintainable and easily extensible style. Written with security as a primary concern; unlike some similar utilities, Do Not Minify will allow clients to request files that it should not have access to. Extreme Fasting; When caching is enabled, Shrinking is able to handle hundreds of requests per second on a moderately powerful server.