Rookie article management system is a simple, easy-to-use, permanently free PHP article management system; with built-in collection function, Rookie official collects a large amount of data for users to choose from every day. At the same time, Rookie also provides a paid membership service of "collection customization" to help users collect data. Any data; there are two databases to choose from when installing this system: Mysql and Access.
Rookie article management system 1.1.6 update log: 2015-11-06
1. Major adjustments have been made to the underlying program;
2. Add functions such as hiding the copyright logo, modifying the background title, and hiding the word "Rookie" in the background.
Introduction to background functions:
1. Basic settings: basic information, website settings, navigation management, module opening and closing, security settings, static settings, administrator account, database management, and other settings;
2. Article management: article list, published articles, article classification;
3. User interaction: message management, comment management, friendly links;
4. File management: template selection, image management, language settings, resource management;
5. Advanced applications: create new channels, channel titles, and background navigation management.