Oom, a "CO" system that integrates CMS and OA systems
1.1 Database restoration and configuration Create a database in MS SQL and use the oom.sql statement in the compressed package to restore or restore the oom.db database backup file. When using SQL statements to restore, an error will be prompted and can be ignored.
The Dimconn.asp file is the database configuration file.
1.2 Generate file directory attributes and templates
Inc.asp and include.asp: Directory settings.
Filelist.asp: Line 859 "/news/" is the preview directory
xinwen.html: News release template page
topic.html: Topic publishing template page
1.3 Script reference
focusad.asp: topic reference script
web_adduilian.asp: couplet advertising script
web_file.asp: Content reference script parameters: listID directory ID; ListCount displays the number of items; Bgcolor background color; ListSize displays the string length; title displays the title
webfilemore.html: More content page call: webfilemore.html?ListID=&DetailSize=
Parameters: ListID directory ID; DetailSize width
1.4 Initial administrator and password:
Account: admin Password: aaaaaa