C# video conferencing system + OA system + mobile version source code + development documents C# video conferencing system + OA system + mobile version source code + development documents, worth 8,000 yuan
In the BLL project are the entity object classes and methods needed in the system.
Common projects include various public methods called in the system.
The DBUtility project stores various operating methods of the system on the database.
The web project is the user interface and logical operation process that the system displays externally.
For the detailed design of each class, please refer to the "System Detailed Design.chm" document.
This project provides support for calling all public methods in the system.
For the detailed design of each class, please refer to the "System Detailed Design.chm" document and the annotation files in each class.
For the detailed design of a specific class, please refer to the "System Detailed Design.chm" document and the annotation files in the class.
The list of functional modules corresponding to the folder directory is as follows:
Appendix Postal code and area code query
Controls referenced by bin
DataBase database file
DocCenter Document Center
DsoFramer Office document is opened for online editing
eWebEditor News Editor
Flash system animation position
GongGao announcements and notifications
HR attendance management
images system image location
JS system JS location
LanEmail internal mail
LogForDesign internal recording during development
Main public call file
Meeting meeting management module
Mobile SMS module
NetMail online internet mail
Personal personal information management
ReportFile report file storage location
SetupFile file storage location required for system installation
SystemManage system management module
TalkRoom system chat room module
TelFile electronic signature module
UploadFile system file upload storage location
WebEditorFile Online editor file storage location
Work work management module
WorkFlow workflow module
WorkPlan work planning module