CpushIMS2007 CSE provides a powerful and easy-to-use website information management platform for different industries. Its scalability can be adjusted according to the size of the industry. It has humanized functional design and long-term practice and research and development. The products are increasingly perfect, reducing costs for users. It is of great help to improve work efficiency. The technology of CpushIMS2007 CSE has reached the top level in the same period in the world and has been successfully applied in many enterprises.
Installation instructions:
1. First, make sure you have installed the CpushMMS 2007 Enterprise Standard Edition member management system download address: http://www.codepub.com/software/CpushMMS-10646.html
2. Configure the .net1.1+mssql2000 environment and ensure that the site files have network service read and write permissions
3. Add the iis site to the web directory
4. Attach the database in the data folder to mssql
5. Modify the web.config file comment: Here is the database information comment: Primary domain name: For example, fill in cnzz.cn instead of www.cnzz.cn
Note: Fill in the access address of the membership management system
Backstage entry:/admin
Backend account: admin
Backstage password: admin