Niucms smart life portal V3.9.9 new interface commercial version - added multiple functions on PC and WAP + merchants + property + community + independent backend of street office - full platform local O2O construction system
1. This product integrates multiple O2O fields, including catering, shopping, leisure and entertainment, life services, car services, city navigation, merchant recommendations and other sectors.
2. This product has currently developed several latest major modules: including group grouping module, smart community, gift module, city information, smart village, quick help management and other modules, truly realizing O2O solutions for you.
Server environment requirements:
Special instructions
: This code can be used on both apache and nginx servers (deployment on iis is not recommended).
Recommended operating environment: Apache+PHP5.4 or above+MYSQL (the server environment must support pseudo-static, otherwise the access will fail).
Recommended server
:Linux (safe, efficient, stable).
Note: The root directory of this code
The .htaccess file is an apache pseudo-static file. If you are in an apache environment, you can access it by turning on pseudo-static, and you can use it without any file modification. If you are using iis, you should set it to pseudo-static files of iis (it is not recommended to use iis server). If you don't know how, please ask Baidu.