Wangke WanCome B2B machinery industry website system adopts B2B e-commerce portal developed by ASP.NET+WanComeII. Wangke has the advantages of powerful functions, easy operation and strong load capacity. The structured backend design helps you get started quickly. Utilize the excellent .Net platform and add a lot of optimization to ensure that every page can respond to user instructions as quickly as possible. Provides an open API interface to facilitate users to automatically customize functions. A large amount of information is added to each function for stress testing to ensure that it can easily cope with the maximum load! Multiple sets of templates are provided to facilitate customers to carry out the simplest and maximum freedom of layout development. Combined with the WanCome forum, users do not need to install additional forum programs. And more optimizations have been done for large portals. No matter in terms of speed, function or performance, it is an excellent choice for large B2B portals! Functions include: supply and demand information, product library, enterprise library, enterprise website, news information system, forum.