EasyASP is a class that facilitates and quickly develops ASP. It includes the fully functional database control class Easp.db, which has functions such as performing various operations on the database, calling MSSQL stored procedures, and paging recordsets. EasyASP also provides a large number of practical ASP common processes and methods, which can simplify most ASP operations. Currently available for download is the VBScript version.
EasyAsp V2.1 beta update instructions [2009-03-26, By Coldstone]
【New features】
Added Easp.regReplaceM method for multi-line mode of regular replacement.
Added Easp.regMatch method for group capture of regular matching.
Added Easp.isInstall method to detect whether a certain component is installed on the system.
The new Easp.Include method perfectly realizes the dynamic inclusion of ASP and supports unlimited levels in the ASP source code.
Added the Easp.getInclude method, which is used to obtain the results of running ASP files or obtain the source code of text files such as html files.
Added Easp.db.QueryType property, which can set whether to use RecordSet or Command to obtain the record set.
Added Easp.db.GetRandRecord method to obtain a random number of record sets.
Added Easp.db.Exec method, which is used to execute SQL statements or return the record set queried in Command mode.
【Other updates】
Optimize the Easp.DateTime method, and the display when formatted as a time difference is more user-friendly.
Optimize the Easp.db.AddRecord method and now only return the newly added record ID number when the name of the ID field is specified.
Fixed the bug in EasyAsp V2.0 that a negative number appears when the number of pages in the paging drop-down box is less than the jumplong configuration.