BugNet is a Web-based open source bug tracking system written in C#. The current Chinese version in English is BugNET 0.7.881.0. The database uses Sql2005, the data operation is SqlHelper, the web page editor is FreeTextBox, and the log control uses log4net.
The backend has basic applications such as project management, user management, bug tracking, and report generation. It also records operation records and can export reports to Excel or generate ZedGraph reports. It supports RSS online subscription.
1. BugNET_WAP is the web folder
2. Database is the Sql statement that generates the database
3. (Note: The default database is Sql2005) Modify the Sql connection string in LocalSqlServer after appending.
4. The default log storage location of log4net is C:log4net.txt. Please modify it yourself. Since it is an installation-free version, the install folder can be deleted by yourself.