Download the remote image saving directory
Modify content
ConfigSavePath = "/Upload/"
The default is the Upload directory under the root directory. When modifying, please note that it must end with "/"
This compressed package is my streamlined ASP version of FckEditor, version 2.5 Beta Build 16848
You can use it directly, or install the "remote picture automatic saving plug-in" separately into your own Fck.
Installation method
1. Copy the /editor/plugins/remoteupload directory to your FCK corresponding directory
2. Modify your fckconfig.js file and look for FCKConfig.PluginsPath = FCKConfig.BasePath + plugins/;
Add a line
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add(remoteupload, en,zh-cn);
3. Adjust your toolbar settings and add a remote save button, here is mine
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] = [
[ Source , DocProps , - , Save , NewPage , Preview , - , Templates ],
[ Cut , Copy , Paste , PasteText , PasteWord , - , Print , SpellCheck ],
[ Undo , Redo , - , Find , Replace , - , SelectAll , RemoveFormat ],
[ Form , Checkbox , Radio , TextField , Textarea , Select , Button , ImageButton , HiddenField ],
/ ,
[ Bold , Italic , Underline , StrikeThrough , - , Subscript , Superscript ],
[ OrderedList , UnorderedList , - , Outdent , Indent , Blockquote ],
[JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyFull],
[ Link , Unlink , Anchor ],
[ Image , Flash , Table , Rule , Smiley , SpecialChar , PageBreak ],
/ ,
[ Style , FontFormat , FontName , FontSize ],
[ TextColor , BGColor ],
[ FitWindow , ShowBlocks , - , About , RemoteUpload ] // No comma for the last row.
] ;