AspBox is a framework that facilitates and quickly develops ASP. AspBox provides a large number of practical ASP common procedures, methods and subclasses, which can simplify most ASP operations.
AspBox can also extend subclass objects to enhance its functions. Rigorous encapsulation and nesting layer by layer improve code reuse and multiple uses.
It can be said that AspBox is a relatively established ASP development framework that can be applied to developers for rapid development.
Instructions for use
1. How to use:
(1) The core of AspBox is mainly concentrated in the Cls_AB.asp file, so you only need to introduce this file at the top of the page, such as:
(2) Configure AspBox related parameters (file AB.Config.asp)
2. AspBox core mainly includes the following cores:
A handles Array arrays
C general function class
Cookie operation class
Catch cache operation
Char character processing class
D general function library
DB data operation class
DBO data operation object
E encryption module (including Md5, Base64, SHA-1 encryption and a collection of some encryption function blocks)
Form form processing block
Fso operation class operation
Html control
Http to XMLHttp processing block
Error error handling block
Json processing block
jsLib (JS script core reference operation)
List handles various List objects
Mail mail processing block
PY pinyin conversion module
Rnd random number function block
Session operation class
Sc script execution operation module
Time time operation block
Tpl template class
Up,Upload upload processing block
Url processing block
X extension block
Xml handles XML chunks
And some other calling methods such as aspjpeg component operation, fearless upload class, Ain upload class, etc.
3. AspBox has supported MVC framework expansion in version 1.1 or above.
How to use: Just add: ab.use "mvc" in front of the calling code to turn on the MVC mode
AB.C.Print"The file name currently being accessed:"Service.Check.GetSelfName
AspBox version 1.3.2a update record:
AB core code modification, adding public call AB.Pub core
Improve AB.CacheType property setting
Added AB.CacheClean method
Added AB.FnAdd alias: AB.FnSet
Added AB.A.Avg, AB.A.Sub, AB.A.SpliceX methods
Corrected AB.A.Slice, AB.A.Splice, AB.A.SpliceX, AB.A.Fill methods
Expanding and enhancing the AB.A.Walk method
Fix AB.C.CRight method
Improve the AB.C.GetUrl method
Added AB.C.Clone, AB.C.CallFunc, AB.C.Ws, AB.C.Wsn, AB.C.IsDim and other methods
Added AB.Cache.Del method, alias AB.Cache(cacheName).Del or AB.Cache.Item(cacheName).Del
Remove AB.Json.xJSObjectToString, AB.Json.xJSArrayToString methods
Added AB.E.encodeURIComponent, AB.E.decodeURIComponent, AB.E.encodeURI, AB.E.decodeURI methods
Fixed the bug of setting AB.Http.Charset invalidity
Extend and enhance the AB.Char.Trim, AB.Char.LTrim, AB.Char.RTrim methods
Added AB.Time.ServerTime, AB.Time.LocalTime, AB.Time.ServerTimezone, AB.Time.LocalTimezone methods
Added AB.Time.ToUnixEpoch method aliases AB.Time.ToID and AB.Time.TimeID
Added AB.Time.FromUnixEpoch method aliases AB.Time.FromID and AB.Time.FromTimeID
Fix AB.Url.Go function bug
Improve the AB.Xml.Find method to support the case where AB.Xml(selector).Length is 0
Added AB.Xml.Length, AB.Xml.Count methods
Added AB.Xml(selector).ChildNodes method