This price is for single source code compilation, does not provide any technical support, and does not include installation. Don’t buy it if you are new to it!
The source code is only for research and learning code, illegal and commercial purposes are strictly prohibited! If you need commercial use, please purchase the official source code!
Only suitable for veterans and technical masters!
introduce:The system is fully open source and has many functions so I won’t introduce them one by one. If you like it, just take it. It is sold for free and open source for 3888 on the mutual website. It is 100% buildable!
Introduction to the functional highlights of Laomi’s card issuance system:
1: Has been connected to the easy payment interface/supports QQ/WeChat/Alipay
2: Product docking across the entire network, store docking is completed in one second!
3: Product pool system/supply system/agent system/docking code to connect products
4: Store music payment interface/shorten URL interface/sales template theme setting
5: Added one-click payment interface/commodity pool permissions/recommended product permissions/merchant deposit in the background
6: There are an average of 15 sets of PC card selling templates and 3 sets of mobile card selling templates.
7: Some systems also have backdoors. My system has no backdoors at all.
8: I dare not say that this system is the best in the entire network, but I personally think it is very good.
Demo site:
Front desk account: Yunyi password QQ86929780
Backstage: Account admin Password admin
Note: This system is completely open source. If you need a second version or anything else, you can do it yourself.