TabWebControl extended properties
DelayTime "1" tab delay milliseconds: The larger the DelayTime value, the longer the delay, and vice versa.
"1" This function is not available for the time being.
SelectedTabIndex "1" The default selected index of the tab "2" is 0 by default.
《3》If the set index value is greater than the number of TabPage of the tab, the value will be automatically assigned to 0.
TabPagClientEvent "1" Client events supported by tabs "2" ///Click onclick,
《3》///Move the mouse to the control onmouseover,
《4》///The mouse moves away from the control onmouseout_onmouseover
《5》Temporarily open onclick click event
TabPage extended properties
Text "1" Text of TabPage page
TabPageToolTip 《1》The tool tip displayed when the mouse is docked on the head of the TabPage control