Please download the video directly to watch the detailed functions. The following information provides general functionality details:
1. Self-service login: Verify the validity of the user's identity. The account number is the mobile phone number and the password is the 6-digit mobile phone service password.
2. Personal information management: Provide users with services to view and modify basic personal information, including user name, mailing address and postal code, email address, contact number, etc.
3. Business processing: Provide users with functional details of various products and conduct online business applications, changes and other operations.
4. Telephone fee inquiry: Inquiry of telephone fee-related information provided by users, such as monthly telephone fee introduction, etc.
5. Mobile phone location query: identify the mobile phone number entered by the user and display its registered address (detailed to the city/county).
6. Complaints and Suggestions: Users are welcome to provide valuable opinions on our services and criticize our deficiencies.
System screenshot