This is the source code of a website worth 1500, 720 cloud online panoramic production system, WeChat 360 panoramic house viewing, panoramic renderings and second-hand house display options. This system uses server image processing + cloud storage architecture, the program uses PHP language, all plain text codes , fix known bugs.
Imitation 720 cloud panorama krpano generation system enterprise panorama management vr panorama source code
System installation requirements:
Cloud server or independent server, windows or linux system, linux system is recommended, php5.3+mysql5.5 or above environment.
The storage environment requires Qiniu or Alibaba Cloud OOS. In addition, if the website requires a third-party login environment and comment interface, it also needs a certified public account and a third-party login authentication interface. This system is different from the Panorama system installed using phpstudy. This system recommends that the nginx environment under Linux is the most critical to system security and stability.