1. Basic functions of the part-time system source code
1. Part-time jobs nearby. The source code of the part-time system will take the current positioning as the center of the circle and display the latest recruitment information released nearby. You can filter based on position, industry, salary range, nature of the company, etc.
2. Online communication, part-time system source code supports job seekers to communicate with recruiters instantly through IM instant messaging
3. Online resume, say goodbye to paper resumes. You can set up your own resume experience, including basic information, personal strengths, work experience, education experience, etc.
4. Message interface, showing system messages, received profiles, who has viewed me, system notifications, chat list, etc.
The above are only basic functions. For more functions, please contact customer service for a demonstration.
2. Part-time APP source code, our development advantages
1. Guarantee customization and exclusive customer’s own part-time APP, with dedicated business personnel and after-sales personnel responsible for docking
2. Part-time APP source code developed by native self-service, with guaranteed security
3. Strict system testing, from system functions to system operation experience, to ensure user comfort
4. Standardized technical management, clear division of labor, all part-time APP source codes provided, no other charges
3. Job recruitment software source code, our after-sales service
1. Provide customized development and secondary development services for job search and recruitment software source code
2. Provide all operation and usage documents and function description documents of the job search and recruitment software source code
3. Can be built and deployed on any node around the world
4. Free after-sales service, free system bug repair
5. Provide assistance services, including system launch after completion, third-party access, etc.