cOffice universal OA system source code universal OA system source code, also known as Feisi collaborative office management system, in addition to traditional OA functions such as email, workflow, documents, etc., it also introduces the ideas of project management and knowledge management, and pays more attention to the decomposition of work tasks. Collaboration and supervision; accumulation, precipitation and sharing of knowledge, multi-condition jump branch streams are more distinctive, effectively building a collaborative work platform for enterprises
My tasks: List of unfinished tasks today My emails: List of latest received emails My documents: Latest archived project documents My approval: Project documents waiting for my approval Attendance: Members’ attendance on and off work Full-text retrieval: On the system Full-text retrieval of project documents, and a permission filtering mechanism. The system sets various contact points: the system's permission center and configuration center. Personnel management: system accounts; added and modified by the system administrator; can define new additions, resignations, transfers, and can also customize Definition Query Position Management: The position structure tree within the organization is the basic structure of authority. Role Management: A collection of authority that can be freely defined. The system defaults to group leader, group members and system members.
Modify password: Members modify their passwords (the system administrator modifies passwords in the member module)
Attendance query: Query attendance records including yourself, or system-specified members such as personnel assistants can query all members. Attendance settings: Set attendance days and attendance times. Company forum: including company announcements and BBS sections; you can do so if you have BBS management rights. Add desktop announcements and section announcements, moderators can freely add sections and section announcements. The functions of BBS are the same as common ones, but no login is required;
Customer management (management of customer touch points)
My clients: Display client information for which I am responsible and add contact records (phone calls, visits, etc.)
Query and statistics: statistics and analysis of customer data, performance management of sales staff. My contacts. Internal contacts of the company: Obtained from the system member list. External contacts of the company: Contacts equivalent to company customers. Custom contacts: Management of private ones. Contact My Tasks: (including task collaboration, task assignment, task query)
To-be-completed tasks: Display unfinished tasks from today onwards, and perform task operations such as new, cancel, complete, and accept. Unfinished tasks: Display unfinished tasks before today. Completed tasks: Display completed tasks. My initiated tasks: Display all tasks initiated by me, including assigned tasks that I only initiated but not executed. Subscribe/query tasks: display tasks that I do not participate in, and query other people's tasks. My email inbox: emails I received, all sent are displayed. Box: emails I have sent, all displayed. Trash box: emails I have deleted and received. Compose new emails: can have project attributes and can be archived. Documents to be transferred. Documents to be approved: documents that the process has come to me and waiting for. I process my application: the transfer application initiated by me has been approved. Documents: documents passed from me and processed by me. Process management: processes created and managed by me, which require the development of links and binding roles. Draft box: I can The entrance to the initiated document transfer will be displayed if there is "Me" in the first step of the process; and you can conditionally query the process. My documents have been archived: I can view archived project documents pending approval: Projects that are waiting for my approval. Documents; approval rights include role designation, or project leader.
Company projects: Management of the project tree. Everyone can see the content of the projects they participate in or the content they have been granted permissions. Deliver documents: Deliver documents related to the project. Compose emails: Send emails to the project team members. Project management: Create and delete projects. , modify, and move member management: adding and deleting project members; marking team leaders; changing team member permissions. Project subscription: display the project content I care about (I am not a project member, but I have the right to view it)
Directory management: Create a project document library with strict permission restrictions. The document directory can be expanded SMS management:
On-site SMS: The messaging mechanism within the system. Off-site SMS: Send multiple additional mobile phone numbers.
USB_Key settings: settings for hardware encryption
Error logs for operations are automatically recorded in the log file.
Default administrator account/password: codepub/
Below Db is the database file, just attach it