The information is ASP.NET2.0 source code (35 examples, including detailed comments).
All are the latest technologies (for example: RSS news reader, high imitation Google color distortion registration code, high imitation Google online English dictionary, PDF online document editing, etc. complete source code, the code contains detailed comments, people with a little basic programming can read it Understand)
The CD that comes with this book contains two folders: "Basics" and "Examples", which contain the source code of all the example programs in this book.
In the CD-ROM, the code folder of each chapter is named after the chapter name. The controls in Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 8 are all included in one large example (WebControls). All examples are also named in chapter order.
In Visual Studio 2005, select: "File", "Open", "Website", point to the folder you want to open, and you can open the corresponding website project. For a page that you want to view its running status and results, in the "Solution Explorer", right-click the page, select "Set as Start Page" in the pop-up menu, and then use F5 to debug and run. You can see the results of the corresponding page.
When running the program of the database control, the reader needs to manually modify the connection string. For example, change the following connection string: "server=ROBERTSOFT\SQLEXPRESS;database=Pubs;User Id=sa;pwd=sa", and modify the content after server to match the database installation on the reader's machine. Modifications can be made in the corresponding code or in <connectionStrings> in the web.config file. The sample databases in this book all use the Northwind database of SQL Server 2000. Readers can download it for free from Microsoft's website.