PhpSay Tieba System v2 has eliminated all previous database designs and codes, and is a completely new system. But compared with the old version, the new version has reduced many functions, and of course has added some functions.
Functional summary:
You can post and reply without logging in, and visitors can also set a nickname.
Login users can also choose to post replies anonymously, search for posts by author, and search for posts by topic (taking into account MySQL efficiency and resource usage, only topic searches starting with keywords are supported)
Post picture function, and supports one-click viewing of all pictures on the page. Posts support RSS subscription. Both topic posts and replies can be upvoted. Users can report the highlights of posts, pin them to the top, and delete posts in batches. Users can create new posts by themselves. (needs to be turned on in the background)
Existing post bars can be classified into user groups (non-logged-in users...VIP...senior administrators). Special user groups can post and reply with icons showing their identities. Permissions can be assigned and experience control can be assigned to different user groups. Introduction/Bar Announcement, the friendly link between the bar and the bar. Ordinary users applied for the bar owner, and the bar owner resigned.
Installation guide:
1. Please set all files in the database directory to be writable, please set the _cache directory to be writable, and please set the ./admin/_cache directory to be writable!
2. Run install.php to install!
3. Don’t forget to delete the install.php file after successful installation!
4. Enter the system management background to make relevant settings. (The initial administrator username and password are both phpsay)
Added posting time limit. Visitor nickname settings cannot use registered user names. Added member management post title to support fuzzy search. Fixed some other BUGs in 2.0.11.