Grails is an open source framework for rapid web application development. It is based on the Groovy programming language and built on Spring, Hibernate and other standard Java frameworks, thus bringing you a one-stop framework that can achieve ultra-high productivity. .
Ruby on Rails pioneered the creative combination of a powerful programming language and an opinionated framework that promoted the replacement of complex configurations with sensible defaults. However, there are many organizations that are not ready to move away from Java's security umbrella or abandon their current investment in Java. The emergence of Grails makes it possible to achieve the same productivity in a Java-centric environment.
Table of contents
1. Introduction to learning through examples
RaceTrack App
2. Prepare to install JDK 5 on the road
Install database
3. Hello, Grails!
What goes into creating your first Grails application?
Create your domain to gain control Where does my data go?
Build better scaffolding to understand URLs and controllers
4. Improve user experience, customize error messages, add warning messages, implement confirmation messages, remove data IDs
Format data
5. Dynamic dynamic queryer builds its own query conditions
6. Applications that are not limited to internal networks can beautify the user authentication interface in addition to the addition, deletion, and modification functions: layout and CSS
7. Test unit testing functional testing
8. Finish line log deployment
9. In-depth application skills to define your own data tables and process legacy data tables
ORM issues and solutions Upgrading Grails
10. Summary