CodematicDemoMVC is a complete sample project source code based on a three-tier architecture MVC pattern application, developed based on 3.5.
The structure is more concise and provides more effective sample source code references.
It is convenient for users to better understand and use this architecture for development. Cooperating with Dongsoft .Net code generator, it can make development more efficient and more relaxed.
This project involves the following key applications:
1) Standard-based three-layer structure.
2) The presentation layer adopts MVC mode.
3) Data addition, deletion, modification and query operations.
4) List data display and paging processing.
5) Application of Linq, etc.
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Lib: public class library
BLL: business layer
Model: data entity
DAL: data layer
WebMVC: presentation layer
Under DB_51aspx is the Sql2005 database. You can add the default management account/password: 51aspx/51aspx
By studying MVC, we can see that MVC has the following characteristics:
1) Separation of business processing and display: ASPX page and CS code are completely separated. Better reuse and maintenance.
2) The use of server-side form controls is no longer recommended. Instead, use traditional input, or directly let Html.TextBox generate control labels.
3) There is no event-driven model. In ASP.NET MVC, when a button is clicked, you should no longer think that there should be a Click processing method in the corresponding aspx.cs. What you should think of is that there should be an Action in a Controller to handle it. this event.
4) No more data binding. If you are used to GridView data binding, you need to change your thinking in ASP.NET MVC and solve it yourself.
5) Added address rewriting. The Routing component of MVC allows us to perform URL routing processing very well.
6) Overall, it can be understood that MVC is a programming model extension based on Web Form and a programming model solution for the presentation layer.