TEAM program introduction:
Using caching technology, the access speed is faster and the pressure on the server is less. It is optimized for search engines so that your articles can be added to the eyes of search robots faster. The default multi-backend management function and the granting of permissions at all levels can make management more efficient. Easy user rights management, layer-by-layer detection, and dynamic update of permissions at all levels. The complete XML subscription function has a smaller installation package and is more convenient to use.
Unmanageable operations caused by voting.
Your group does not have permission to view this attachment. Use this template file to overwrite the Team.PostHtml (11) template file.
Fixed an error in the user registration part. Modified the verification code mechanism. Corrected the user prompts in the background.
The mechanism of verification codes has been changed. Add management highlighted shortcut operation default user admin password 123
The default backend user admin password is 123 [This user corresponds to the frontend user admin]