BBSGOOD is the first forum in China to use caching technology, which eliminates the need for repeated calculations on the server for a large number of visits. Static HTML files can be generated for posts and list homepages, so that reading posts is no longer limited by performance, because we all know that forums read the most posts. During the development process, we pay great attention to performance optimization issues, so that the system can achieve the best performance ratio during operation.
Staticization brings the advantages of search engines. The style structure realizes a variety of style structures for the forum for users to choose from, such as custom style, ordinary forum style, tree structure style, and Mop structure style.
The functions are not limited to provide some common functions of the forum, but also provide some more practical tools, such as collection, forum firewall, pseudo HTML, etc. We have also developed a blog that can be seamlessly integrated with BBSGOOD.
Provides detailed HTML templates, templates for each type of post such as: news post template, transaction post template, ordinary post template,
Custom portal homepages generated with tags can be directly edited using HTML in the background. Not only that, each section can design templates independently.
In other words, each category of templates can implement different styles. In addition to posts having different styles and the homepage being able to customize the style,
Lists also have a variety of styles for users to choose from, such as ordinary lists, portal lists, simple lists, etc.
BBSGood.Speed v5.0, including Access and SQL database
This version has unlimited functions and has the same functions as the commercial version. Files including all empty directories are uploaded to your server and finally entered into the background. Default administrator account: admin Password: admin