KindEditor is a simple browser-based WYSWYG (WYSWYG) HTML online editor with the characteristics of small size, few files, and high efficiency. It is 100% written in DHTML/JavaScript and can be easily embedded into ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP and other CGI programs.
Main features:
1) Less code and more functions.
2) By adding plugins, you can customize functions.
3) Unnecessary plugins can be deleted to reduce file size.
4) You can change the editor style at will and integrate it with the website.
5) The code is easy to understand and it is a maintainable and controllable editor.
3.2 Change record:
Toolbar icons can reflect the selected state.
Display p, div, ol and other markers with dotted lines.
Change all font tags to span, and use px units for text size.
The htmlTags attribute can define multiple tags at a time.
Colors on browsers such as Firefox can output unified hexadecimal colors.
When filterMode is false, XHTML is output and siteDomain setting is supported.
Fixed the problem of offset of HTML code after filtering some codes.
Fixed issue with toolbar icons losing focus when clicking on IE.
The ke-content class is added to the body of the editing area.
Added back/undo shortcut keys (Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y).
Improved default style.
Contains many small code optimizations.
Added width and height properties.