Function modules include:
Room management, consumption management, query management, report management, system management
Passenger check-in and registration Passenger room change registration Passenger check-out and check-out Passenger reservation and registration
Book a passenger to check in. The passenger pays a deposit. Prints the passenger bill. Registers the passenger meal fee. Registers the passenger phone bill.
Other consumption registration Query passenger information Query room information Query product consumption Query total consumption Query passenger deposit
Room occupancy report Catering consumption report Other consumption reports Telephone consumption report Passenger checkout report
Log in to the management system, log out of the management system, create a new operating user, modify user information, modify user password.
Query user password Assign user permissions Hotel information settings Hotel room settings Hotel product settings System help information
Default administrator account: 51aspx, password:
Under App_Data is the database file, the default is Sql2005
Generate Sql statements for the database under MySQL. If Sql2005 is installed, you can ignore this step.