The problem is solved as follows:
Only the most recent problems submitted by users are listed. The remaining problems have been solved in previous patches and will not be repeated.
1. Solve the search problem. In the past, searches had to be done in a certain city under the province, which was not in line with the user experience. Now change it to province--all cities (the default is all cities, you can also choose a city yourself).
2. Solve the problem of displaying the recommended products section on the home page. (Multiple other browsers were not previously considered)
3. Solve the problem of supply and purchase today's product display. (Same reason as above)
4. Solve the problems of collectors, supply and purchase. (link error)
5. Solve the problem of background delay caused by too many background categories. (recursion problem)
6. Solve the problem of displaying the login user name in the header. (Some browsers do not support this reason)
7. Fixed the issue where the year 1970 is displayed when submitting VIP orders. (due to carelessness)