Basic settings: In the background, you can upload a LOGO, modify the size, modify the contact information, and whether to open or close registration. Whether member registration is reviewed, whether messages are reviewed, etc.
Administrator: You can add super administrator or ordinary administrator. Administrators of different levels will have different permissions when logging into the backend.
Display settings: The number of items displayed in each column, the number of paging records, etc. can be set in the background.
Custom navigation: Added modification of navigation menu, menu sorting, etc.
SQL injection: SQL anti-injection parameters can be set in the background, SQL injection records can be blocked, and the attacker's IP can be blocked.
SMTP email configuration: Added email configuration, members can submit resumes directly to the mailbox.
Backend login records: You can view administrator login related records, IP, login time, etc.
Single page management: Add keywords and descriptions to a single page.
Added news: News can set the title color, whether to have external links, news thumbnails, whether to recommend, news clicks, etc.
News management: You can view news by category, modify news, recommend in batches, delete news, etc. News categories.
Product management: Added secondary classification to products. Product thumbnails, product prices, etc. Support online purchasing function. Product recommendation and other download functions: download classification management, program language, operating platform, recommendation level, program size, download statistics and other functions.
Member management: front-end member registration, back-end modification of member information, setting whether to register for review, etc.
Member orders: Product orders are processed in the background.
Advertising management: add images, text, FLASH ads, define size, type, generate JS to call slideshow management: news slideshow, slideshow modification, etc.
Recruitment management: publish recruitment information, modify, delete, and manage positions online. View the resume submitted by the front-end user.
Friendly links: add text or picture links, and manage them by text or picture classification.
Message management: Add a review function for messages and a reply function. The front desk publishes and displays the message list.
=============V2.6 Change Log==============
·Fixed the problem of being unable to view product information by category in the background.
·Fixed the problem of being unable to view download information by category in the background.
·Corrected the problem of not remembering the category of products modified in the background. Friendly thanks to member bestmars.
·Corrected the problem of language error when modifying advertisement prompts in the background.
·Corrected the problem of incorrect product price and introduction identification in the background.