This book can help you master SQL programming technology as soon as possible. The book provides a wealth of examples to help you learn how to create and modify database objects, add and retrieve data from the database, and modify data that has been added to the database. Written in accordance with the SQL:1999 standard, this book can help you perform queries and modifications, create databases, create and modify embedded statements, troubleshoot system and data-related failures, and more. The book is rich in explanation content, commented code and other effective teaching methods.
Chapters - This book is divided into chapters according to the logical connection of concepts to facilitate self-study.
Sections - each chapter is divided into sections based on key skills
Think and Practice – Test your knowledge with quiz questions, multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions at the end of the chapter
Expert Q&A - Expert Q&A introduces supplementary knowledge and key points
Study Check - you can quickly self-test the mastery procedures of this section
Project - Internship project helps you apply the knowledge you learn into practice
Syntax and example code – practical demonstration code that introduces programming techniques