vBulletin 3.7.0 has many new features and enhancements to existing features, most of which have been covered in previous release announcements and in the "Sneak Peek" thread at the beginning of beta testing. The list below is just a few of the highlights.
Quick spam management and blocking tools Topic tag search cloud/tag cloud topic prefix Mutual friend relationship between users Public visitor messages on profile page and "Conversation" function User photo album with user comment function User-created discussion group, you can Invite to join or review to join the extended user profile page. Members can customize the profile page. Administrators can control it to quickly edit profile column values. View attachments, pictures, and posts in the lightbox. Edit history can be viewed and compared. Quick management. Enhanced certification. Navigation bar. Notifications. New. Live verification system including reCAPTCHA, image verification and Q&A verification User update history Social bookmarking integration