TOPTP 1.0 pure version for ThinkPHP 2.1 RC1, the compressed package comes with a detailed graphic instruction manual.
Configuration before use:
PHP variables need to be configured before use. Configuration method (either of the following two methods):
1. Select toptp.bat, right-click → Edit, find the line if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=php.exe, and replace php.exe with the php.exe file address on your computer. This file can be found in your PHP installation directory. Such as E:phpphp.exe
2. Configure the variable environment of your computer. Right-click "My Computer"→"Properties"→"Advanced"→"Environment Variables" Select PATH, click "Edit" and enter the directory where your php.exe is located after the variable value, such as E:php. Note that if your computer has been There are already other variable values, do not delete them, enter a semicolon after them, and then enter the directory where php.exe is located. After configuring the PHP variables, click toptp.bat to start the code generator.