TCCMS V5.0 update content:
Editor attachment and image upload path optimization, adding DB caching mechanism execute method
bulletin.class.php updated
base/controller.class.php Remove the permission annotation template header and replace it with a constant official template article/picture related list label call Use cache method to add Debug mode User center Modify registration security issues Fix background css/js path Use relative path column to add ajax error reply .js
Prevent users from modifying Cookie['userId']
Article/gallery publishing: whether to update the publishing time/status. The article module adds reading permissions and the required number of points. The backend configures the number of bonus points for the first login of the user. Adds columns in batches. The system html filtering mechanism sorts out the basic information of the front-end user. Non-administrator status. All POST and GET requests are recorded for attack characteristics. Unmoderated comments are displayed as "Comment content is under review" by default.