1: Supply information is published by members themselves and reviewed and approved by the administrator backend. Members are equipped with a complete membership platform and functions such as publishing, modification, and deletion. Members upload pictures to automatically generate thumbnails and add watermarks.
2: Purchasing information: Posted by members themselves and reviewed by administrators, it is divided into general purchasing information and emergency purchasing information.
3: Product information: Paid members can publish and set their own product categories [two levels].
4: Information subscription: supply or purchase information can be customized according to keywords.
5: Company database: Add members to the company database for easy search.
6: Integrity files: including certificates and honors, member evaluations, integrity index, etc.
7: Business partners and feedback information management.
8: Exhibition function, the administrator can publish exhibitions, exhibition news, and exhibition tracking [categories can be added, deleted and modified at will].
9: Business information: categories can be added, deleted and modified by yourself, powerful visual editor and remote file automatic saving function.
10: Complete member second-level domain name functions and member websites [member self-service website building templates can be added in the background], 11: Members publish company pictures and recruitment information [paid members].
User name and password admin admin888
Edit PS: webmanagemakehtmlindexinfo_index.asp has been checked and is not a virus. Kaba will give false positives.