Data Plane API es un proceso complementario que se ejecuta junto a HAProxy y proporciona puntos finales de API para administrar HAProxy. Requiere HAProxy versión 1.9.0 o superior.
Para crear la API de Data Plane, necesita tener Go instalado en su sistema con la compatibilidad con módulos go habilitada y ejecutar los siguientes pasos:
1. Clonar el repositorio de dataplaneapi
git clone
2. Ejecute make build:
make build
3. Puede encontrar el binario compilado en el directorio /build. PRUEBA
Uso básico:
Usage: dataplaneapi [OPTIONS] API for editing and managing haproxy instances Application Options: --scheme= the listeners to enable, this can be repeated and defaults to the schemes in the swagger spec --cleanup-timeout= grace period for which to wait before killing idle connections (default: 10s) --graceful-timeout= grace period for which to wait before shutting down the server (default: 15s) --max-header-size= controls the maximum number of bytes the server will read parsing the request header's keys and values, including the request line. It does not limit the size of the request body. (default: 1MiB) --socket-path= the unix socket to listen on (default: /var/run/data-plane.sock) --host= the IP to listen on (default: localhost) [$HOST] --port= the port to listen on for insecure connections, defaults to a random value [$PORT] --listen-limit= limit the number of outstanding requests --keep-alive= sets the TCP keep-alive timeouts on accepted connections. It prunes dead TCP connections ( e.g. closing laptop mid-download) (default: 3m) --read-timeout= maximum duration before timing out read of the request (default: 30s) --write-timeout= maximum duration before timing out write of the response (default: 60s) --tls-host= the IP to listen on for tls, when not specified it's the same as --host [$TLS_HOST] --tls-port= the port to listen on for secure connections, defaults to a random value [$TLS_PORT] --tls-certificate= the certificate to use for secure connections [$TLS_CERTIFICATE] --tls-key= the private key to use for secure connections [$TLS_PRIVATE_KEY] --tls-ca= the certificate authority file to be used with mutual tls auth [$TLS_CA_CERTIFICATE] --tls-listen-limit= limit the number of outstanding requests --tls-keep-alive= sets the TCP keep-alive timeouts on accepted connections. It prunes dead TCP connections ( e.g. closing laptop mid-download) --tls-read-timeout= maximum duration before timing out read of the request --tls-write-timeout= maximum duration before timing out write of the response --uid user id value to set on start --gid group id value to set on start HAProxy options: -c, --config-file= Path to the haproxy configuration file (default: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg) -u, --userlist= Userlist in HAProxy configuration to use for API Basic Authentication (default: controller) -b, --haproxy-bin= Path to the haproxy binary file (default: haproxy) -d, --reload-delay= Minimum delay between two reloads (in s) (default: 5) -r, --reload-cmd= Reload command -s, --restart-cmd= Restart command --reload-retention= Reload retention in days, every older reload id will be deleted (default: 1) -t, --transaction-dir= Path to the transaction directory (default: /tmp/haproxy) -n, --backups-number= Number of backup configuration files you want to keep, stored in the config dir with version number suffix (default: 0) --backups-dir= Path to directory in which to place backup files -m, --master-runtime= Path to the master Runtime API socket -i, --show-system-info Show system info on info endpoint -f= Path to the dataplane configuration file (default: /etc/haproxy/dataplaneapi.yaml) --userlist-file= Path to the dataplaneapi userlist file. By default userlist is read from HAProxy conf. When specified userlist would be read from this file --fid= Path to file that will dataplaneapi use to write its id (not a pid) that was given to him after joining a cluster -p, --maps-dir= Path to directory of map files managed by dataplane (default: /etc/haproxy/maps) --ssl-certs-dir= Path to SSL certificates directory (default: /etc/haproxy/ssl) --update-map-files Flag used for syncing map files with runtime maps values --update-map-files-period= Elapsed time in seconds between two maps syncing operations (default: 10) --cluster-tls-dir= Path where cluster tls certificates will be stored. Defaults to same directory as dataplane configuration file --spoe-dir= Path to SPOE directory. (default: /etc/haproxy/spoe) --spoe-transaction-dir= Path to the SPOE transaction directory (default: /tmp/spoe-haproxy) --master-worker-mode Flag to enable helpers when running within HAProxy --max-open-transactions= Limit for active transaction in pending state (default: 20) --validate-cmd= Executes a custom command to perform the HAProxy configuration check --disable-inotify Disables inotify watcher watcher for the configuration file --pid-file= Path to file that will dataplaneapi use to write its pid --debug-socket-path= Unix socket path for the debugging command socket Logging options: --log-to=[stdout|file|syslog] Log target, can be stdout, file, or syslog (default: stdout) --log-file= Location of the log file (default: /var/log/dataplaneapi/dataplaneapi.log) --log-level=[trace|debug|info|warning|error] Logging level (default: warning) --log-format=[text|JSON] Logging format (default: text) --apache-common-log-format= Apache Common Log Format to format the access log entries (default: %h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i" %{us}T) Syslog options: --syslog-address= Syslog address (with port declaration in case of TCP type) where logs should be forwarded: accepting socket path in case of unix or unixgram --syslog-protocol=[tcp|tcp4|tcp6|unix|unixgram] Syslog server protocol (default: tcp) --syslog-tag= String to tag the syslog messages (default: dataplaneapi) --syslog-level= Define the required syslog messages level, allowed values: debug|info|notice|warning|error|critical|alert|emergency (default: debug) --syslog-facility= Define the Syslog facility number, allowed values: kern|user|mail|daemon|auth|syslog|lpr|news|uucp|cron|authpriv|ftp|local0|local1|local2|local3|local4|local5|local6|local7 (default: local0) Show version: -v, --version Version and build information Help Options: -h, --help Show this help message
Además de esas opciones, todo se puede definir en el lado del archivo de configuración. Ver archivo de configuración
Puedes probarlo simplemente ejecutando:
./dataplaneapi --port 5555 -b /usr/sbin/haproxy -c /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -d 5 -r "service haproxy reload" -s "service haproxy restart" -u dataplaneapi -t /tmp/haproxy
Dataplaneapi requerirá permisos de escritura en el archivo de configuración de haproxy y los directorios que contienen archivos administrados adicionales (maps, ssl, spoe). Las ubicaciones predeterminadas se pueden anular con opciones de línea de comandos. Pruébelo con curl, tenga en cuenta que necesita una configuración de combinación de usuario/contraseña en la lista de usuarios de HAProxy en la configuración de haproxy (en el ejemplo anterior: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, controlador de lista de usuarios):
curl -u: -H "Content-Type: application/json" ""
Si utiliza contraseñas seguras, los algoritmos admitidos son: md5, sha-256 y sha-512.
Para obtener más documentos sobre cómo utilizar la API de Data Plane, consulte nuestra documentación.
Alternativamente, dataplaneapi ofrece su propia documentación interactiva relevante para la compilación actual en el uri /v2/docs
. Simplemente apunte su navegador al host/puerto con el que se inició el plano de datos (es decir, http://localhost:5555/v2/docs
Consulta la documentación en el README.
Consulta la documentación en el README.
Si desea contribuir a este proyecto, consulte la Guía de contribución.