La interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI) del Marco de automatización de seguridad (SAF) de MITRE reúne aplicaciones, técnicas, bibliotecas y herramientas desarrolladas por MITRE y la comunidad de seguridad para optimizar la automatización de la seguridad para sistemas y canales de DevOps.
SAF CLI es el sucesor de Heimdall Tools e InSpec Tools.
La CLI de SAF se puede instalar y mantener actualizada utilizando npm
, que se incluye con la mayoría de las versiones de NodeJS.
npm install -g @mitre/saf
Para actualizar la CLI de SAF con npm
npm update -g @mitre/saf
La CLI de SAF se puede instalar y mantener actualizada usando brew
brew install mitre/saf/saf-cli
Para actualizar SAF CLI con brew
brew upgrade mitre/saf/saf-cli
En Linux y Mac:
El siguiente comando de la ventana acoplable se puede utilizar para ejecutar la CLI de SAF una vez, donde arguments
contienen el comando y los indicadores que desea ejecutar. Por ejemplo: --version
o view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf <arguments>
Para ejecutar la CLI de SAF con un shell persistente para uno o más comandos, utilice lo siguiente y luego ejecute cada comando completo. Por ejemplo: saf --version
o saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. Puede cambiar el punto de entrada que desea utilizar. Por ejemplo, ejecute --entrypoint sh
para abrir en una terminal shell. Si no se encuentra el punto de entrada especificado, intente utilizar la ruta como --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf
En Windows:
El siguiente comando de la ventana acoplable se puede usar para ejecutar la CLI de SAF una vez, donde arguments
contienen el comando y las banderas que desea ejecutar. Por ejemplo: --version
o view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf <arguments>
Para ejecutar la CLI de SAF con un shell persistente para uno o más comandos, utilice lo siguiente y luego ejecute cada comando completo. Por ejemplo: saf --version
o saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. Puede cambiar el punto de entrada que desea utilizar. Por ejemplo, ejecute --entrypoint sh
para abrir en una terminal shell. Si no se encuentra el punto de entrada especificado, intente utilizar la ruta como --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf
Recuerde utilizar los indicadores de Docker CLI según sea necesario para ejecutar los distintos subcomandos.
Por ejemplo, para ejecutar el subcomando emasser configure
, debe pasar un volumen que contenga sus certificados y donde pueda almacenar el .env resultante. Además, debe pasar indicadores para habilitar el pseudo-TTY y la interactividad.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf emasser configure
Es posible que otros comandos no requieran los indicadores -i
o -t
y, en su lugar, solo necesiten un volumen montado en enlace, como un convert
basado en archivos.
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf convert -i test/sample_data/trivy/sample_input_report/trivy-image_golang-1.12-alpine_sample.json -o test.json
Existen otras opciones para abrir puertos de red o pasar variables de entorno, así que asegúrese de utilizar las que sean necesarias para ejecutar correctamente un comando.
Para actualizar la CLI de SAF con docker
docker pull mitre/saf:latest
Para instalar la última versión de SAF CLI en Windows, descargue y ejecute el instalador más reciente para la arquitectura de su sistema desde la página Versiones ?️.
Para actualizar SAF CLI en Windows, desinstale cualquier versión existente de su sistema y luego descargue y ejecute el instalador más reciente para la arquitectura de su sistema desde la página Versiones ?️.
Dar fe de los controles 'no revisados': a veces los requisitos no se pueden probar automáticamente mediante herramientas de seguridad y, por lo tanto, requieren una revisión manual, mediante la cual alguien entrevista a las personas y/o examina un sistema para confirmar (es decir, dar fe de) si los requisitos de control se han cumplido. satisfecho.
attest create Create attestation files for use with `saf attest apply`
$ saf attest create -o <attestation-file> [-i <hdf-json> -t <json | xlsx | yml | yaml>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (optional) An input HDF file to search for controls
-o, --output=<value> (required) The output filename
-t, --format=<option> [default: json] (optional) The output file type
<options: json|xlsx|yml|yaml>
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest create -o attestation.json -i hdf.json
$ saf attest create -o attestation.xlsx -t xlsx
attest apply Apply one or more attestation files to one or more HDF results sets
$ saf attest apply -i <input-hdf-json>... <attestation>... -o <output-hdf-path>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value>... (required) Your input HDF and Attestation file(s)
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output file or folder (for multiple executions)
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest apply -i hdf.json attestation.json -o new-hdf.json
$ saf attest apply -i hdf1.json hdf2.json attestation.xlsx -o outputDir
La traducción de sus datos hacia y desde el formato de datos Heimdall (HDF) se realiza mediante el comando saf convert
¿Quiere recomendar o ayudar a desarrollar un convertidor? ¿Ves la wiki? sobre cómo empezar.
convert anchoregrype2hdf Translate a Anchore Grype output file into an HDF results set
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i <anchoregrype-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<anchoregrype-json> (required) Input Anchore Grype file
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw data from the input Anchore Grype file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i anchoregrype.json -o output-hdf-name.json
Nota: La carga de resultados en AWS Security Hub requiere la configuración de AWS CLI; consulte la documentación de AWS o la configuración de variables de entorno a través de Docker.
convert hdf2asff Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into
AWS Security Findings Format JSON file(s) and/or
upload to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -a <account-id> -r <region> -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -t <target> [-h] [-R] (-u [-I -C <certificate>] | [-o <asff-output-folder>])
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure.
-R, --specifyRegionAttribute Manually specify the top-level `Region` attribute - SecurityHub
populates this attribute automatically and prohibits one from
updating it using `BatchImportFindings` or `BatchUpdateFindings`
-a, --accountId=<account-id> (required) AWS Account ID
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF JSON File
-o, --output=<asff-output-folder> Output ASFF JSON Folder
-r, --region=<region> (required) SecurityHub Region
-t, --target=<target> (required) Unique name for target to track findings across time
-u, --upload Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rhel7-scan_02032022A.json -a 123456789 -r us-east-1 -t rhel7_example_host -o rhel7.asff
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rds_mysql_i123456789scan_03042022A.json -a 987654321 -r us-west-1 -t Instance_i123456789 -u
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub and Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i snyk_acme_project5_hdf_04052022A.json -a 2143658798 -r us-east-1 -t acme_project5 -o snyk_acme_project5 -u
Aviso : HDF to Splunk requiere configuración en el servidor Splunk. Consulte Configuración de Splunk.
convert hdf2splunk Translate and upload a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a Splunk server
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -H <host> -I <index> [-h] [-P <port>] [-s http|https] [-u <username> | -t <token>] [-p <password>] [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-H, --host=<host> (required) Splunk Hostname or IP
-I, --index=<index> (required) Splunk index to import HDF data into
-P, --port=<port> [default: 8089] Splunk management port (also known as the Universal Forwarder port)
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-p, --password=<password> Your Splunk password
-s, --scheme=<option> [default: https] HTTP Scheme used for communication with splunk
<options: http|https>
-t, --token=<token> Your Splunk API Token
-u, --username=<username> Your Splunk username
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
User name/password Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -u admin -p Valid_password! -I hdf
Token Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -t your.splunk.token -I hdf
Para obtener documentación sobre el esquema HDF Splunk, visite Esquemas del convertidor Heimdall
Vista previa de datos HDF dentro de Splunk:
Un ejemplo de una consulta de búsqueda sin procesar completa:
index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = control | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) first( meta . status ) list( meta . status ) list( meta . is_baseline ) values (title) last(code) list(code) values ( desc ) values (descriptions. * ) values (id) values (impact) list(refs{}. * ) list(results{}. * ) list(source_location{}. * ) values (tags. * ) by meta . guid id
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = header | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( statistics . duration ) list(platform. * ) list(version) by meta . guid ]
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = profile | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) list( meta . is_baseline ) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}. * ) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}. * ) list(controls{}. * ) list(attributes{}. * ) list(status) by meta . guid ]
Un ejemplo de una consulta de búsqueda de tabla formateada:
index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = control | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) first( meta . status ) list( meta . status ) list( meta . is_baseline ) values (title) last(code) list(code) values ( desc ) values (descriptions. * ) values (id) values (impact) list(refs{}. * ) list(results{}. * ) list(source_location{}. * ) values (tags. * ) by meta . guid id
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = header | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( statistics . duration ) list(platform. * ) list(version) by meta . guid ]
| join meta . guid
[search index = " <<YOUR INDEX>> " meta . subtype = profile | stats values ( meta . filename ) values ( meta . filetype ) values ( meta . hdf_splunk_schema ) list( meta . profile_sha256 ) list( meta . is_baseline ) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}. * ) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}. * ) list(controls{}. * ) list(attributes{}. * ) list(status) by meta . guid ]
| rename values ( meta . filename ) AS " Results Set " , values ( meta . filetype ) AS " Scan Type " , list( statistics . duration ) AS " Scan Duration " , first( meta . status ) AS " Control Status " , list(results{}.status) AS " Test(s) Status " , id AS " ID " , values (title) AS " Title " , values ( desc ) AS " Description " , values (impact) AS " Impact " , last(code) AS Code, values ( descriptions . check ) AS " Check " , values ( descriptions . fix ) AS " Fix " , values ( tags . cci {}) AS " CCI IDs " , list(results{}.code_desc) AS " Results Description " , list(results{}.skip_message) AS " Results Skip Message (if applicable) " , values ( tags . nist {}) AS " NIST SP 800-53 Controls " , last(name) AS " Scan (Profile) Name " , last(summary) AS " Scan (Profile) Summary " , last(version) AS " Scan (Profile) Version "
| table meta . guid " Results Set " " Scan Type " " Scan (Profile) Name " ID " NIST SP 800-53 Controls " Title " Control Status " " Test(s) Status " " Results Description " " Results Skip Message (if applicable) " Description Impact Severity Check Fix " CCI IDs " Code " Scan Duration " " Scan (Profile) Summary " " Scan (Profile) Version "
convert hdf2xccdf Translate an HDF file into an XCCDF XML
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-xccdf-xml> [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-xccdf-xml> (required) Output XCCDF XML File
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i hdf_input.json -o xccdf-results.xml
convert hdf2ckl Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl saf convert hdf2ckl -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-ckl> [-h] [-m <metadata>] [--profilename <value>] [--profiletitle <value>] [--version <value>] [--releasenumber <value>] [--releasedate <value>] [--marking <value>] [-H <value>] [-I <value>] [-M <value>] [-F <value>] [--targetcomment <value>] [--role Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation] [--assettype Computing|Non-Computing] [--techarea |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS] [--stigguid <value>] [--targetkey <value>] [--webdbsite <value> --webordatabase] [--webdbinstance <value> ] [--vulidmapping gid|id]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output CKL file
-F, --fqdn=<value> Fully Qualified Domain Name
-H, --hostname=<value> The name assigned to the asset within the network
-I, --ip=<value> IP address
-M, --mac=<value> MAC address
-m, --metadata=<value> Metadata JSON file, generate one with "saf generate ckl_metadata"
--assettype=<option> The category or classification of the asset
<options: Computing|Non-Computing>
--marking=<value> A security classification or designation of the asset, indicating its sensitivity level
--profilename=<value> Profile name
--profiletitle=<value> Profile title
--releasedate=<value> Profile release date
--releasenumber=<value> Profile release number
--role=<option> The primary function or role of the asset within the network or organization
<options: Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation>
--stigguid=<value> A unique identifier associated with the STIG for the asset
--targetcomment=<value> Additional comments or notes about the asset
--targetkey=<value> A unique key or identifier for the asset within the checklist or inventory system
--techarea=<option> The technical area or domain to which the asset belongs
<options: |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS>
--version=<value> Profile version number
--vulidmapping=<option> Which type of control identifier to map to the checklist ID
<options: gid|id>
--webdbinstance=<value> The specific instance of the web application or database running on the server
--webdbsite=<value> The specific site or application hosted on the web or database server
--webordatabase Indicates whether the STIG is primarily for either a web or database server
Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.ckl --fqdn --hostname reverseproxy --ip --mac 12:34:56:78:90:AB
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel8-results.json -o rhel8.ckl -m rhel8-metadata.json
convert hdf2csv Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-csv> [-h] [-f <csv-fields>] [-t]
-f, --fields=<csv-fields> [default: All Fields] Fields to include in output CSV, separated by commas
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-csv> (required) Output CSV file
-t, --noTruncate Don't truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel)
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Running the CLI interactively
$ saf convert hdf2csv --interactive
Providing flags at the command line
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.csv --fields "Results Set,Status,ID,Title,Severity"
convert hdf2condensed Condensed format used by some community members
to pre-process data for elasticsearch and custom dashboards
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <condensed-json> [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<condensed-json> (required) Output condensed JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7-condensed.json
Producción | Usar | Dominio |
JSON ASFF | Todos los hallazgos que se introducirán en el mapeador. | conclusiones de aws securityhub > asff.json |
Json de estándares habilitados para AWS SecurityHub | Obtén todos los estándares habilitados para que puedas obtener sus identificadores | aws securityhub get-enabled-standards > asff_standards.json |
Controles estándar de AWS SecurityHub json | Obtenga todos los controles para un estándar que se introducirá en el mapeador | aws securityhub describe-standards-controls --standards-subscription-arn "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789123:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0" > asff_cis_standard.json |
convert asff2hdf Translate a AWS Security Finding Format JSON into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file(s)
$ saf convert asff2hdf -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h] (-i <asff-json> [--securityhub <standard-json>]... | -a -r <region> [-I | -C <certificate>] [-t <target>]) [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure
-H, --securityHub=<standard-json> Additional input files to provide context that an ASFF file needs
such as the CIS AWS Foundations or AWS Foundational Security Best
Practices documents (in ASFF compliant JSON form)
-a, --aws Pull findings from AWS Security Hub
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<asff-json> (required if not using AWS) Input ASFF JSON file
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON folder
-r, --region=<region> Security Hub region to pull findings from
-t, --target=<target>... Target ID(s) to pull from Security Hub (maximum 10), leave blank for non-HDF findings
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Using ASFF JSON file
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json -o output-folder-name
Using ASFF JSON file with additional input files
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json --securityhub <standard-1-json> ... --securityhub <standard-n-json> -o output-folder-name
Using AWS to pull ASFF JSON findings
$ saf convert asff2hdf --aws -o out -r us-west-2 --target rhel7
Nota: Para extraer los datos de resultados de AWS Config es necesario configurar la CLI de AWS; consulte la documentación de AWS o la configuración de variables de entorno a través de Docker.